I'm running an Eheim 4000lph pump, full throttle, using a Herbie style drain. Flow is about all the single corner-flo overflow can handle, water level is high along the overflow grille.
I dislike foam, floss, socks... any sort of mechanical filtration media that traps waste. I only use a sock during and immediately after a water change. When I remove the filter sock, I used to hear the water fall through the sock holder into the sump, I fixed up a bit of 3" PVC so that it fit into that hole, gives the flow a surface to fall along. Helped a lot with noise.
I don't hear the flow from one compartment to the next at all. Never had any filter material in there, so I don't know if it helped with the noise or not, but I can't hear it.
A tank is only as quiet as it's loudest component. I hear pumps. My return pump hum, augmented by my skimmer pump, is really the only thing I hear. Occasionally, I'll hear a bit of water drop through the Herbie 'trickle' standpipe, but normally, nothing.
I looked around a bit, if you've got a thread on your system, I can't find it. If you've got one, post it, I'd love to take a look.
The height of my stand was set by me having my wife measure from the floor to my armpit, while I was stretched as high as I could get it, and subtracting tank height from the rim. I dislike having to stand on a stool to get into the tank