ESV BIONIC seawater system salt

We've been using this salt mix here at Cherry Corals for the past 4 months with great results. It really is quite different than any other salt on the market. We have used around 2000 gallons of this salt so far.

My observations:

It mixes crystal clear with no chemical odors. The corals stay open during a water change and 100% water changes can be done with no stress or losses (great for emergencies). We have setup for frag swaps and mixed up ESV salt with R/O water an hour before the show starts. All the corals are open and happy during our shows!

A bit more work to mix up, but it only takes a few extra minutes of your time to measure all the chemicals and make a batch.
Has anyone used this salt yet? If so, what were the numbers and the mixability of the salt? How will this compare to the new Tropic Marin bioactif salt? Thank you very much.
HI this is 75 reefer the E S V B-Ionic sea salt comes with Instructions to mix 1 GAL of sea water all the way up to 100GAL of mix. I have been useing the salt for a month and Its GREAT! what i like about it is that it does not leave any residue it mixes very fast and does not cloud up And can be used after 10 min of mixing. here is an example of how to read the chart (10 GAL water) (1.Add 3cups of sodium Chloride) (2. ADD 1 cup of Magnesium.)( 3. ADD Liquid Component A 12.8 fl. oz ) (4. ADD 6.4 fl. oz component B.) i saw fantastic result with in a few minutes of useing this salt. And its alot cheaper to ship. You can buy it in 25,50 or 200gal mix. I buy at Marine $8.99 to ship! for 200gal mix. Another great thing about this salt/liquid mix is there will be no left over residue on your mix/power heads. Its like you put your pumps in fresh water.
I'm actually gonna pick up first 200 gallon mix of ESV today. Starting my 65 RR with it and see how it goes. I have been using Seachem Reef and I'm very unhappy with it.
Sorry I dont have a Magnesium test for the E.S.V B-Ionic salt I can tell you that the PH is around 8.1 to 8.2 when mixed with R/O DI with .000 TDS water that has been air rated real good and is ready to go in about 10 min of mixing. And yes it is of high quality. and for just $ 8.99 to ship a 200 GAL mix you cant beat it!! from Marine i have tried around 6 different types of salt and i would have to this one hands down the best salt i have used for my tank. Since i have switch over to this salt my Maiden Hair coral is growing like crazy and my live rock is now growing mushrooms that where never there before i switch over. i have only been useing this salt for about a month and half. i think if you go to you will find more info on testing this salt. Hope this helps you.
4 part ESV SALT

4 part ESV SALT

Keep inmind with this salt you can ajust the Magnesium levels the way you whant to as well as trace elements. it comes with a 11LB bag of Mag 40 LB of Chloride Salt and 4 1 GAL bottles of trace
The liquids are major, minor, and trace elements - all together. I dont think much custom mixing is possible. I guess you could adjust magnesium because that is a single dry element.

I just started to use this salt mix and I think I'm in love! This stuff is really clean; it mixes crystal clear. Only time will tell. Still, it is easy to trust a salt that doesn't produce unknown gunk and dirt. Another big plus, the problem of settling during shipment is solved. Mixing is not difficult, just be careful. I mix with a little less water than specified then dilute down to my desired salinity.

I've used IO, RC, TM, and Red Sea Coral Pro.
I like the salt so far since it mixes very well and seems to have decent calcium and magnesium levels. I never got anywhere near the 1440 claim on magnesium. Closest I got was 1380. Calcium was between 420-440. I didn't bother to check alk all that much but it was about 8.6.

Has anyone tested for phospates of a newly mixed batch? I've read some users were having problems with phosphate levels, I can't find the link. ( I think on Will post when I do.
I used the ESV salt system for about 6 weeks then switched back to my old stand-by, Red Sea Coral Pro to save a couple of bucks. After the switch I noticed water chem quality wasn't as consistent. I did stop dosing 2 part while I was on the ESV salt, then went back to dosing 2 part + Mag + Red Sea Coral Pro. Mag was consistently higher on the ESV batch (~1325-1350 Salifert) vs. the Red Sea Coral Pro (~1225-1275 Salifert). My tank "looked" like it was making more progress with the ESV, although that's anecdote.

I had phosphate tested at LFS while on the last week of ESV, since they had a Salifert kit - I didn't. The 5 minute sample was completely clear on my tank (55g Disp/25g Sump-Ref, 6 fish@3" ea., LPS, Soft & Gorgonians).

Now that I can afford ESV again I'm going back on it. It's slightly more work to mix a batch, but the simplicity of having ideal water chem on every change worked for my tank.
I am using it and love it so far. The 4 part mix is really not much trouble at all. It takes maybe 20 minutes to mix and about 18 of those are weighing or waiting between components. I haven't had a magnesium kit since I bought the salt mix a few weeks ago, but have been getting about 8.5 kH, Ca 470 going by their recommended chart (using a scale to weigh the components). Higher calcium than I'd like, but the beauty is I can just add a bit less of that component...
I've used this salt from the start of my most recent tank build -- a 120 SPS reef started mid-September, 2010. I have done 15 gal weekly water changes consistently since mid-October 2010. I am half way through my second 200 gal set of boxes. I love it and so far so do my corals and fish. Mixes quickly. Perfectly clear within minutes. It tests out at 470 calcium, 8.5 alk and 1400 mag. I stop dosing 2-part (ESV) for two days after each water change to keep the calcium and alkalinity in check.
i got 420cal, ph 8.14, alk 9dkh, i did not test for mag. i only did a 50 gal water change in my 290g DT so i don't have anything conclusive yet but i did not notice any adverse affects. a couple of ppl that were beta testers of the salt are switching over because they noticed increased growth rates in there sps.

This is almost exactly what i get
awesome, I'll be adding water back to my tank again this weekend, using this salt from the start! so far I've only read good things about it.