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Just trying to bring some life back into this place. So to start off, have you ever had a particular type of zoa/paly not do well in your tank no matter what you did? Or a zoa/paly which just needed extra attention as compared to others?
For me, nightmares. My first attempt I grew tons of them rather easy but had a tank crash (ph and alkalinity drop) and I lost all my "fancy" colonies. When I got everything together I traded for a polyp of nightmare which grew to a few dozen polyps but with the invading blondies and zippers, the nightmares receded big time and only have around 5 polyps left and they are small. I moved them to a rack and they have been opening up again.
Below is a pic of the current nightmares. The glass was dirty and the picture a little out of focus for sure. Just gives you an idea. Used to be covered with large nightmares.
And below is where they were squeezed in. I wonder who will win now, the zippers or the blondies.
And just for kicks a FTS...
For me, nightmares. My first attempt I grew tons of them rather easy but had a tank crash (ph and alkalinity drop) and I lost all my "fancy" colonies. When I got everything together I traded for a polyp of nightmare which grew to a few dozen polyps but with the invading blondies and zippers, the nightmares receded big time and only have around 5 polyps left and they are small. I moved them to a rack and they have been opening up again.
Below is a pic of the current nightmares. The glass was dirty and the picture a little out of focus for sure. Just gives you an idea. Used to be covered with large nightmares.
And below is where they were squeezed in. I wonder who will win now, the zippers or the blondies.
And just for kicks a FTS...