Ever have to trap a foxface?


New member
Man, is this fish wary...I'm trying to trap him to bring him to the meeting for someone and he keeps swimming right up to the mouth of the trap and backing away. My peppermint already found the way in and then out (after getting his fill of food, of course). The foxface really wants to go inside (I haven't fed the tank yet cause I wanted him to be hungry enough to go in the trap), but seems to think twice every time he tries. Maybe I'll make the opening a bit bigger...it's a homemade trap by the way. I think maybe he thinks the hole is too small even though I think he'll fit. I just didn't want to make it so big that he could get right back out again. This trap has worked wonders for me in the past, but with inverts and much smaller fish.
my foxface sleeps really deep and takes a long time to wake up... you might want to see if yours does too.
Well, I wanted to catch the fish for the meeting where someone was taking him. I ended up trying to net him again in desperation and decided to use the "two net" method. I actually cornered him with a small net and then he swam right into my bigger net. It was very easy and I don't think I stressed him out too much (he's a major drama queen). I got a call from his new home and they said he didn't even cower in the corner of their tank...just swam around as if nothing happened. So he's got a great new home in a much bigger tank.

And the homemade trap that usually works for me (this is the first time it didn't) is a clear plastic water bottle with the top cut off and inverted. I usually attach one side with fishing line (to hold the pieces together kind of like a hinge) and leave about 2' extra with a loop for retrieval. The other side I attach with tape so that I can easily open it to get the fish out. Sometimes I cut holes for the air to escape, but this time I realized it wasn't really necessary as I kept the cut off end up when putting it in the tank and all of the air escaped on the way down. I'll see if I can get a pic posted of this one. The nice thing is that they're disposable...I've got enough fish junque laying around!
Great DIY tip, 'Kat

I need to catch my Bullet Goby and this sounds like a plan. I was thinking of a clear plastic bottle, but the inverted neck entryway is genius. I'll put an algae tab in there, probably catch my Lawnmower instead 80)
Here's a couple of pics of the trap just in case anyone's wondering about it:


This one was made out of a Gatorade bottle due to the fact that the opening was a bit bigger than a typical water or soda bottle. I think the only crucial elements are the size of the opening (which you can cut bigger if you need) and the size of the bottle itself (I like it small enough to slide right in front of all of my rocks at the bottom of my tank).