Everyone ready for a February swap


New member
Diablo corals is in Concord BTW .... Bring a jacket as it will be cold in Feb.

Hello everyone........

On Feb. 22nd of 2014 Diablo Corals is proud to announce it will be holding its 3rd Annual Frag Swap at Diablo Corals. This year we are bringing out all the big guns we got and pulling no stops to make this the biggest swap we've held.

This year the Raffle is going to be for a very awesome cause. Proceeds from the swap and raffle will be donated to Mr. Rutherford's 3rd grade class at Garden Hills Elementary. We were turned on to this amazing story from Gresham at Reef Nutrition and we felt this class is what we need to keep the hobby alive. Mr Rutherford teaches his students portions of the class from his tank as well as teach them responsibilities using the tank. If you want to know more about the class or donate directly please see the link below...


The swap this year will be like all of our swaps in the past, we will start registration at 11am and start the swap at 1pm SHARPLY..... I will post all the rules in the next post so just be patient.

Here is the list of companies that will be donating to the raffle, i will be updating this list here as well as our Facebook page as they come in.


Reef Angel

Reef Nutrition

AP Breed




Jester6 Rockwork


Diablo Corals

Thomas Reef Vision


Diablo Corals Third Annual Frag Swap
This Swap is being held for us to meet new reefers in the area and let you meet our staff. It also will allow you to get new corals and meet new reefers. This year swap has a little special meaning to us as we will be donating proceeds from swap and raffle to the younger new reefers growing up and taking a liking to the hobby!!

This swap is open to all enthusiasts and family members.

To participate in the swap you must meet our requirements:

Be willing to meet new reefers, have 3 or more corals to swap and pay the registration fees

How the swap will work

• Corals will be placed on tables with a family of corals (I.E. Zoas, soft corals, LPS, SPS - sticks, SPS - plates, other)

• You will receive a name tag/bracelet with a group letter

• letters will be called in this order: A;B:C:D;E;F;Z;Z;F;E;D;C;B;A;A...

• When your group letter is called, in the first round, you will have a few minutes to select a coral

• Successive rounds will be shorter and you will be able to grab more corals.

“That sounds neat, how do I participate?”

•Show up for Registration 11:30-12:45

•Bring three or more different strains of coral

Important Information

•The swap will be held on Feb. 22th 2014, @ Diablo Corals
•Swap registration is 11:30-12:45, anyone coming late to check in automatically is placed into the final picking group

•The swap starts at 1:00 hard
•The raffle will be held during the swap, so keep your ears open
•We ask that you package your corals in deli containers NO ZIPLOCK BAGS. Not only can you see the corals better, they do not leak all over the place . If you show up with substandard packing you will be asked to purchase deli containers and repackage and label your corals.
•All containers shall be labeled with the coral type, your name and internet handle and growing conditions if they are not labeled you will be required to label them on the spot
•There will be food and beverages available for purchase during the event

• Any corals that are deemed unhealthy or freshly fragged will not qualify you for the swap.
•There will be a raffle of items for donations and corals. Tickets will be on sale at the event. $1 a ticket or 6 for $5 . There will be many items up for grabs and we will also be giving away a CRAZY door prize away to one lucky participant.
One last thing

Please treat all corals that you pick at the swap as if they are infected with the worst pests known to man,. Not only does dipping help to prevent pests from making their way into your tank, it can help to prevent the spread of nuisance algae as well as keeping the instances of necrosis to a minimum.

Non-Qualifying Corals

*these organisms have been deemed too common in the hobby. They will be placed on a separate table from other corals at the swap.

Green Star Polyp (GSP)

Brown Protopalythoa (sea mat)



Encrusting Gorgonian (brown GSP)

Kenya Tree

Colt Coral

Brown Toadstool Leather

Macroalgae (California legal varieties)
update with raffle info


I decided to start a separate thread just for the raffle. The raffle this year is probably more important to me than any other part of the event. This year, proceeds from our raffle will be donated along with proceeds of the day to Mr. Rutherford's 3Rd Class That means the more tickets you buy for a chance to win these amazing donations the more $$$ will go to the kids.

You may prepay for raffle tickets via paypal or pay at event. The raffle tickets will cost:

1 Ticket-- $1

12 tickets $10

25 tickets $20

This year not only are we getting some amazing donations Diablo Corals will be making some cool donations as well. I know that at swap locally everyone seems to like the individual box for raffle prizes so we will do that at the swap this year as well. This will allow you to buy millions f tickets and stuff you favorite box....

I am very excited to be apart of this years event and I am excited to see how excited everyone is about it. The companies we have talked to so far excited to be apart of the event. I want to make sure every company gets there proper time in the spotlight as well. I will be adding as we get more but Check out everyone that has donated/sponsored the event so far:

Reef Nutrition

AP Breed


Hikari USA

Jestersix Rockwork

Kessil Lighting

Diablo Corals


Coral Frenzy

Thomas Vision Reef


Reef Angel Aquarium Controller

Bob Smith Industries (ic-gel glue)

Kritter Tanks

I take pride in being apart of growing the youth into understanding the hobby. They are our future and they can help us improve the hobby just like how we have come so far with FRAGGING to sustain the wild. I am pleased this event has grown leaps and bounds over the last 3 years and I am proud to be apart of a growing trend/event

From the whole crew at the Diablo Corals

Great to see the proceeds benefit others, And will bring a few pieces to the swap, however I was perplexed that you classify GSP as being too common, yet you have it listed in your tanks at 50 to 100 per small frag. I do agree that it is common, but don't you think that is a bit much for such a common and easily grown coral?
Great to see the proceeds benefit others, And will bring a few pieces to the swap, however I was perplexed that you classify GSP as being too common, yet you have it listed in your tanks at 50 to 100 per small frag. I do agree that it is common, but don't you think that is a bit much for such a common and easily grown coral?

maybe it's Limited Edition or Tyree ? lol
shoot that sucks, i dont have many corals but have several birdnest frags. thats the only coral i have large enough to frag.

So a couple of options for you then . diablo corals is selling 3 frags for $20 or you try and coordinate with someone else who is going and see if they will exchange some of theirs for yours prior to check in. hope this helps
you classify GSP as being too common, yet you have it listed in your tanks at 50 to 100 per small frag. I do agree that it is common, but don't you think that is a bit much for such a common and easily grown coral?

50.00 to 100.00 for GSP in his tanks? I have never seen that, ever. I think yo have one too many zeros before your decimal point.
No,I read the prices right.... I was there this week, thought that maybe some corals were moved, so I asked, and was told that was the price fro the GSP.... Didn't look vary LE .....
No,I read the prices right.... I was there this week, thought that maybe some corals were moved, so I asked, and was told that was the price fro the GSP.... Didn't look vary LE .....

I gotta call B.S. I was there earlier and could not find any "said 100.00 gsp".
I gotta call B.S. I was there earlier and could not find any "said 100.00 gsp".

Before you go off on insults, you should have noticed that ALL the prices were removed from the outside of the tank.... DID YOU ASK HOW MUCH FOR THE GSP? But its not only Diablo Corals that is charging for this and other corals that should be expensiveness, Some are charging 45.00 (not Diablo) for small brown colt corals. I was just pointing out the irony of calling them common and not wanting them in a swap and then charging 50.00-75.00 and even 100.00 for a frag, is a bit much and either they should be 5-10 or allowed in to the swap because they must be in such limited supply. I personally like them and with this prices I have a few thousand dollars of GSP in my tank...Who would have thunk it!:fun2:
Before you go off on insults, you should have noticed that ALL the prices were removed from the outside of the tank.... DID YOU ASK HOW MUCH FOR THE GSP? But its not only Diablo Corals that is charging for this and other corals that should be expensiveness, Some are charging 45.00 (not Diablo) for small brown colt corals. I was just pointing out the irony of calling them common and not wanting them in a swap and then charging 50.00-75.00 and even 100.00 for a frag, is a bit much and either they should be 5-10 or allowed in to the swap because they must be in such limited supply. I personally like them and with this prices I have a few thousand dollars of GSP in my tank...Who would have thunk it!:fun2:

First, it wasn't an insult, believe me if it were it would have been a straight shot between the eyes. And yes, I did ask. In fact I was there again this evening and plainly asked to see the 100.00 GSP. Of course I was told they had none.

There have not been prices on the outside of the tanks either to my knowledge. The pricing is on "flags" depending on which section you are looking at.