Everything for sale, many high end acros, nems, etc

Updated list

Pocilopora - about 10" $75
Big spiky green acro - $100
Teal stag - I think it was called the ultimate stag from WWC $50
Setosa $30
Superman monti $20
Skull lepto - one of my favorite, almost 100% covers the skull $100
Frogspawn $5 head
Favia $50 - its big but 1/4 was just burned by a RBTA
Spongodes - massive, bigger than a dinner plate $150
RBTAs - have 1 left - $50 each
Blue teal stag $50
Green pink tips table $125
Super Green table $100
Carpet rock $150 - 4 or 5 nice mini maxy nems in the same rock. Same rock is also covered with pulsing xenia.
Red Cap with birds nest in the middle $100
Green palys $30

Big clam $50
Little clam $50
Red planet frag - its actually a big chunk $50
Bunch mini colonies on left of tank - one is an efflo and another is a pink lemonade - $150
Scoli $100
Gold Hammer $40
​Duncan - about 100 heads $100

Fancy Clown - pretty big guy $100
Yellow tang - med $20
Purple tang - med $75
Melanarus Wrasse $20
Angels both $75
Goby $15
Blue throat Trigger $20
Here's what's left with reduced prices

Setosa & tri color on same rock $40
Superman monti $20
Spongodes - massive, bigger than a dinner plate $125
Red Cap with birds nest in the middle $750
Green palys $20
Squamosa $40
Scoli $90
Rock with nice size nuclear green pocilopora, about 80 polys of AOF, 4" sunburst cap and teal stag $120

Sorry for the bad pics, only had phone handy


Open to offers, would really like to empty the tank this weekend.

I've also given freebees to everyone that's bought something.
Updated list

Superman monti $20
Spongodes - massive, bigger than a dinner plate $90
Red Cap with birds nest in the middle $50
Green palys $10
Scoli $50
Rock with nice size nuclear green pocilopora, about 80 polys of AOF, 4" sunburst cap and teal stag $75
Need this gone. Everything below plus all the rock in the tank and whatever is left for $100

ongodes - massive, bigger than a dinner plate
Red Cap with birds nest in the middle
Green palys
Rock with nice size nuclear green pocilopora, about 80 polys of AOF, 4" sunburst cap