Extreme Zoa/paly pix, enter at your own risk

Just amazing, I am so glad I found your thread. I am new to reefing, but I really love the paly's. I have started collecting them, and you definitely have a beautiful collection. My wife is a professional photog, so thanks for sharing your lens info as I would love to have her shoot my tank and growing collection.
Thanks everyone , it is nice to hear.

New pickup today

Love the color of these... Nice pick up.
Some of the nicest I've ever seen. Inspiring.
Awesome tank and photos!
Thank you brent
I just found this thread...now I need to start a new "wish list" LOL. Super nice!!!
Thanks, I started with a list once
WOW awesome tank.It must be great to have a store with such a variety of zoa's .Just a small ? how do you keep them going mine every time I get a frag they last a couple days or a week the shut and disappear.
Revive , Iodine, low flow after fragging for a couple days

very nice, cant wait to replenish my zoas, had a dip tragedy.
I had that tradgedy a couple of times. I learned from my mistakes

Are those goochers in the bottom left? The pink guys? oh, and SWEET TANK!
I think they are armor of gods or devils armor or goochers I cant remember

Awesome collection you've got going there! I love how the tank has filled in with all that yummy eye candy! Kudos
Thanks kev
Good looking polyps, nice pics and sweet collection. Wish you continuous success and growth with them.
Thank you



Beautiful Zoa collection!

very nice
Thanks zoahead

Just amazing, I am so glad I found your thread. I am new to reefing, but I really love the paly's. I have started collecting them, and you definitely have a beautiful collection. My wife is a professional photog, so thanks for sharing your lens info as I would love to have her shoot my tank and growing collection.
Good Luck , it can be addicting

Thank you
