Extreme Zoa/paly pix, enter at your own risk

Thanks for the comps.
Here is a recent FTS
WOW awesome tank.It must be great to have a store with such a variety of zoa's .Just a small ? how do you keep them going mine every time I get a frag they last a couple days or a week the shut and disappear.

Welcome to RC. I would like to point out that negative or critique comments must be backed up with firm statements. Generalized statements, such as this, does no good for anyone in the community and breeds hostility. I wanted to bring this up to you since you are new before these comments get you permanently banned.
Welcome to RC. I would like to point out that negative or critique comments must be backed up with firm statements. Generalized statements, such as this, does no good for anyone in the community and breeds hostility. I wanted to bring this up to you since you are new before these comments get you permanently banned.

Oh boy......just poking a little fun at one of my closest comrades. I actually scaped this tank and bank nearly half of the z's and p's in this tank. Pete and I live about 5 minutes from each other and share frags regularly.
Sorry to get everyone's panties in a bunch, everything will be okay. LOL:spin2: