Extreme Zoa/paly pix, enter at your own risk

Thanks truk. Those were my first reddish paly I bought. Do you have a collection that we can see?

I posted with my very first coral ever in another thread. I just got my new light system 2 weeks ago and got my first ever coral last sunday. They are a green/brownish Paly. My big tank has been a fowlr since April... I am just now finally getting into Corals!
Great tank! As someone who is just starting, it's you're an inspiration.

If you don't mind me asking, where are you getting the majority of these from?
I wasn't feeling it tonight but here are some so so shots. Everything seemed hard to focus and the crabs and snails were being bastards . It is not my A game
Zooanthellae coming out of mouth







Sent from a city worker
I wasn't feeling it tonight but here are some so so shots. Everything seemed hard to focus and the crabs and snails were being bastards . It is not my A game
Zooanthellae coming out of mouth

Sent from a city worker

LOL, that is hilarious! Your tank looks amazing!
LOL, that is hilarious! Your tank looks amazing!

Thanks IA, I guess I am my harshest critic . Somedays everything seems clear , all the corals are open and vibrant and taking pictures goes real easy. Then Somedays everything seems like a struggle to get in focus, corals staying closed or being irritated by CUC's,deleting photos cause you can't get the perfect pic. I had one of those days that I believe everybody goes thru once in a while. Very frustrating . LoL

Sent from a place called parts unknown
thats not zooanthellae, that zoa is excreeting waste

your tank is very inspiring, i have a 150 dd ordered for part of my massive build... it was origionally going to be a nps tank (actually part of my biological filtration system) but i may have to switch that to a zoa tank.... just wonderful... the progression has been nothing short of amazing
Amazing shots, can you post or PM me your camera settings or any tips, i have a similar macro lens and cant near get any shots like yours. you are are a true artist, thanks for sharing the pics.
BEAUTIFUL TANK. The only danger in viewing this thread is being overcome with envy! Love your zoa collection and you take awesome pics!
Can you discuss the settings you use with your camera? f stop, ISO... etc I have a Nikon D3000 hoping to get some nice pictures like yours... :p
very very nice
Amazing shots, can you post or PM me your camera settings or any tips, i have a similar macro lens and cant near get any shots like yours. you are are a true artist, thanks for sharing the pics.
Practice , Practice ,Practice. Can not stress that enough. Different lights, distance, and trajectory all play a part in your settings. Thanks for the compliment too.

BEAUTIFUL TANK. The only danger in viewing this thread is being overcome with envy! Love your zoa collection and you take awesome pics!
Thank you

I hate you because I'm jealous! :furious: