Faces of Betty B.


Premium Member
Was playing around with My Canon Rebel XT... Betty B., my Blonde Naso Tang makes it easy to do a photo-shoot. She's a bit of a ham. :D

She was looking right into the camera.




At this point, she is my only Katrina survivor. She is a bit spoiled. :D

(Oh, and the "Queen" of the tank. She makes it well known) lol

Thanks for the compliments.
Betty b isnt related to Madonna is she.

Betty b isnt related to Madonna is she.

Strike a pose theres nothing to it. Great shots girly.
She's a beauty! Good pic skills also ;) .

Just curious about your feeding regimin. They all look plump and healthy!

Thank yall! Like I said... she is an easy subject to photograph.

NaH2Ofreak:::: Never tell a girl she looks ummm "plump." lol

I feed 2 x's a day (I call it 2 light feedings, some may disagree) and I mix it up so they aren't eating the same thing everyday.

I make my own food::: I combine squid, octopus, mussell and shrimp. I chop it up and lay it flat in the freezer until it hardens. (It easily breaks into small chunks)


Saltwater Multi-pack (4 types of food) includes Emerald entree

I alternate offering up a variety. And I always add garlic to my food.
Additionally, I put nori in the tank every other day.

When I buy Romaine, once every other week or so, I will put a piece on the clip. The Blonde Naso and Sailfin tear it up. Though romaine doesn't offer them the same nutrients as nori. It's just a treat! lol

Betty B. eats out of my hand. She's a spoiled baby. :D

She looks waaay better than she did when we walked in on her 6 days after Katrina stormed through. She's happy, "healthy" and her color is incredible!

I realize this is the "Photography" Forum, but you asked! :)

hope this helps,

the girl takes good care of her fish now, and I was just kidding she feeds me good too.

With ozone, phosban, skimmer and fuge, I am able to keep phosphate and trates under control so she really does not over feed
Where does one get a 'blonde' naso? Do they have the spikes that stand up on their back like regular nasos? I've been wanting to get a naso, they have so much personality! I have never heard of a blonde before. Great pics, what a cool fish! Thanks for sharing!