Fantasy 120gal setup!


New member

At the moment I'm running my tank on 2 stream 6000 pumps.

I was thinking to add a little more flow so was wondering what would be the optimum tunze stream setup for 120gal sps tank, taking the following into consideration:

- money is of no consideration :)
- I'm using Profilux GHL controller for streams also,
- 50kg (approx. 100lbs) of live rock. Placed in a very open style formation, and does not touch glass anywhere,
- tank has one overflow in the middle of back wall,
- I have also installed wavebox nano few months ago that creates 2cm wave (4/5")...

I'm really looking to create not only a bit more flow, but primarily create currents that can change current direction all over the tank. At the moment I guess there are quite some spots that (regarding I use controler with random setup) have only one direction laminar flow. These are mostly on both sides of tank, bellow both streams.

Any ideas... much appreciated!
you could purchase the larger transformers and convert the tunzes to 6100s. You would then maintain the footprint space the pumps occupy - while doubling the flow rate.

Curious what setting you have the nano wavebox at - i'm still tinkering with mine to find that sweet spot.
you could purchase the larger transformers and convert the tunzes to 6100s. You would then maintain the footprint space the pumps occupy - while doubling the flow rate.

I was already thinking about this. If there isn't any better idea I just might go with this.

Curious what setting you have the nano wavebox at - i'm still tinkering with mine to find that sweet spot.

It's positioned on one side on the back wall and facing forward. I got better results with this position than facing it from one side to another. Interval on Profilux is set at 1,55 sec.
For your tank size, a pair of 6105 should be enough. But if you are crazy like me a pair of 6205 is perfect I have 4 6305 in my 480g and i love the flow... Not to mention the 4 waveboxes and 4 penductors run by an ATB 4200gph... Make sure you put a seat belt on your sandbed if you do the 6205 :D
I think the two bigger transformers is a very good option, the 6105's have marginally more flow and can be aimed in all directions, both ideas would work.