Matt if I combine the amazing results of Ty , with just carx and no water changes, bigE , with basic two part and 10% only weekly water change, which is small enough proportion to maintain stable value for element that is readily consumed, GlennF with no water changes and no trace adding and monitoring and Farm ,which add trace in huge amounts to see results in colours, commenting that the usually small trace additions we make, are not doing anything, since they are became rapidly inactive in usual nutrient concentrations, in our reef tanks.........what conclusion I make is, that adding Zn, mn, fe, cu, I, etc is just snake oil!?[emoji32]
I wish I knew the answer for that. I'm not going to pretend I know everything going on with my trace elements other than the annual Triton test, which I again don't take as exact values. I believe I remember reading that the detection limits for elements with the Triton analysis caused some skepticism with 0 value results... As they may not be truly zero.
Either case, my philosphy has been if everything still looks happy and colored, keep doing what I'm doing. [emoji4]
I just re-read all and let me ask you if you don't have algae issues? Or cyano? Long time ago I saw some red algae spots , not sure if was cyano, but at zero values you don't have problems. ( I have it that the reason of my question).
Do you add bacteria?
Thanks, great tank
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Hi Carlos. I typically wipe my front glass about every 4-6 days. I had the usual algae issues when I first started the tank, in roughly the same order as most tanks, diatoms, cyano, instead of hair algae I got turf algae, and then once my tank matured, it was fine. With all the tangs and angels I usually keep, I actually try to grow a bit of algae if possible so they have something natural to graze on.
Lately though, I was dealing with an issue of bubble algae. I had rescued an acro for a buddy and since it was so abrupt, didn't realize it had some bubble algae on the plug. 1 year later, my tank had a decent bubble algae issue. With manual removal and a naso that sometimes eats it, I've pretty much got it under control.
For the bubble algae in areas I cannot get to, I tried out Vibrant.
I typically had a nice super thin layer of red turf algae that my tangs, angels, snails, and urchins would graze on daily off the rocks. I enjoyed it much more than coralline algae as it didn't uptake all my alk, Ca, and Mg and gave all my herbivores something natural to graze on. Well Vibrant wiped it out, some green turf algae as well, and looks like its working on my bubble algae as I see less and less bubbles every week! I wish my red turf would grow back though but that doesn't look like its going to happen. Thankfully, I only have to wipe my glass every two weeks now, which feels strange. I will probably dose until my last two bottles are gone and then stop. I really just got it to help with the bubble algae befoee it becomes an infestation, I really hope to not need to continue using it.
So long story to get to an actual answer, no, I don't normally dose bacteria ever but been using Vibrant the last 2 months which does have bacterial colonies in it.