Fastest growing 'Shroom?


New member
I'll be buying some easy corals in a week or two, what do you think is the fastest growing type of mushroom?
Also, are ricordea for beginners?
I've never owned a saltwater tank before, but it's been running nearly three months and I've decided it's time for some coral.
(Incomplee...) Params: Salinity 1.025, Nitrates 5
I'll be buying some easy corals in a week or two, what do you think is the fastest growing type of mushroom?
Also, are ricordea for beginners?
I've never owned a saltwater tank before, but it's been running nearly three months and I've decided it's time for some coral.
(Incomplee...) Params: Salinity 1.025, Nitrates 5

I'm a beginner too, so I can only add my personal experience with ricordea florida. My tank is a little over 2 months old, think I put my first ricordea florida in after the first month. I have four different ricordea florida variations now and I'm finding them easy to grow and would recommend it to other beginners.

I've read a little about ricordea yuma as well, and it does not seem as beginner friendly as the florida species though.

Here's a pic of some ricordea florida in my tank:

Regular shrooms grow pretty fast for me. Ricordeas on the other hand... real slow. In about 8 months, all my ricordeas have only doubled in amount. Meaning for every head I had, it now has two. Pretty slow in my opinion :(... But to each his own.
Ricordeas are very easy though, so go for it if you find a beauty!
Ricordeas do grow slower for a shroom but are probably the best combination of beauty and hardiness. IMO What kind of lights are you running on what size tank?
the cheaper a mushroom, the faster it will grow is the rule of thumb I use. reds, followed by greens, then blues, then red/blues and green blues for me. it's also going to depend on how nutrient rich your water is, the more they have the faster they'll grow but theres a thin line between nutrient rich and nasty :) good luck, look for a nice ricordea package if you don't get them local. a lot of places will give you a great deal on a package
The rate of growth depends a lot on light and water conditions. Here are a few varieties of mine that do well!
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
Thing is only the gross mushrooms grow super fast... Generally the less you want it to grow the more it will, so you're better off picking up something that looks awesome and then letting it slowly grow in :)
Okay, since ricordea are my absolute FAVORATE mushroom, I've decided on collecting mainly mushrooms (and will definitely have one toadstool :) )
I have a JBJ 28 gallon nano, it's a package. I believe the lights are: "CF-Quad 105 Watt compact fluorescent daylite: front lamps are 10,000K White Daylight and Back lights are 7100K Blue Actinics."
So, pretty high powered. These aren't too high for 'shrooms, are they? I sure hope not, I'm dying for some ricordea's.

And, on a side note, I want to be able to have mushrooms grow really really fast so I can gain experience and trade frags in for other frags. Any tips for fast-growing shrooms? Once I have basic mushroom's down, I'll get some higher end corals and will propagate those. Or so the plan goes!
I think you might be off on the k rating for the actinics, those lights would be fine though, but unfortunately your mushrooms might fade a bit since cf's tend to have that effect on some corals... The problem with super fast growing mushrooms is that a lot of them tend to not look very good, so even if you propagate them you might have pretty limited options on moving them. Ricordias are a great way to go though, always easy to find trades on those :)