Favorite fish killed!


New member
Well i found my Rect. baby triggerfish dead when i returned home from work this morning. The Aquaclear 70 powerhead i just put in there sucked him onto the intake and basically sucked and crushed him to death. I left the undergravel filter attachment on thinking it would guard against fish getting up against the intake but all it did was create a more concentrated strong funnel of suction.
sorry to hear about your trigger. how big was the fish? reason i ask is i have a humu trigger that's about 2 inches and i have four pwerheads in my tank. 2 mj1200's, 1 seio 1500 and 1 seio 1100. my humu is a powerful swimmer and never got sucked into any of the powerheads. maybe your fish was sick causing it not being able to swim out of the suction?
he was about an inch and half long, I am assuming he tried to stick his head inside the attachment looking for food or a place to hide/sleep and probably tried to back out only getting out enough to get his side sucked against it. It was a pretty strong suck, I could feel my skin moving while placing my finger against it
I don't like AC powerheads for this exact reason. I'm so sorry to hear about your fish, I lost one fish to one of these PHs and immediately switched them to MaxiJets. The MJ PHs come with several different guards to choose from. Even the larger 2" ones are not unattractive to look at like the big AC quick filter attachments, and they diffuse the suction enough that my small Astraea snails climb all over them with no trouble.
I'm not familiar with the powerhead in question, but you can make a 'cage' or protective screen out of 'embroidery plastic' sewn together with fishing line. This plastic sheeting is available at any craft store, can be cut and stitched, and the only drawback is that it can clog if you have an algae problem. I've used this stuff to screen intake teeth and various other places where a small fish could get into trouble.