Feb 18th NFMAS Meeting


New member
The NFMAS meeting sponsored by Bio-Reef Inc. is set for Feb 18th, 1-4 p.m. Guest speaker is Anthony Calfo. Location is Guana Park, www.dep.state.fl.us/coastal/sites/gtm/ which is on A1A between Jacksonville and St. Augustine. Limited to 150 tickets. Tickets are $5.00 ea to cover the use of the facility and facility entry fee. Tickets are available now at Bio-Reef Inc. An agenda is being developed and will be posted soon. Similar to our last meeting we will have door prizes, vendors rep's etc.

Special thanks to Clay Terrell (user name Grayout) as he is providing lodging for our guest speaker, at his St. Augustine Bed and Breakfast, Peace and Plenty Inn.
The Peace and Plenty Inn, www.peaceandplentyinn.com is a great place to stay if you're traveling to attend the meeting or if you just want to spend a wonderful weekend in St. Augustine.

See you there
Local Collection of Marine Specimens

Local Collection of Marine Specimens

I am glad to announce, Richard Abrams will join us to discuss the collection of marine specimens. His presentation will include a Q&A session and resource literature.
Richard Abrams is an Environmental Specialist, Division of Marine Fisheries Management Outreach and Education for the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission.
Can we call to order tickets? I think several of us in the Fl Panhandle chapter are coming.
Tickets by Mail

Tickets by Mail

Send a self addressed envelope to Bio-Reef Inc.
3653 Regent Blvd. Unit 101
Jacksonville, FL 32224
Be sure to include a check in the amount of $5.00 for each ticket you wish to have.
Is there a minimum number of tickets you are needing to sell to cover expenses? Let me know either by post or PM.

Thanks for supporting this!
Cover expenses?

Between airfare, etc. this will cost us over 2K. We are fine with this, we do want a great meeting and a big turnout. The ticket price only covers entry and facility. The more tickets we sell the more we need to pay for the entry and facility. We expected this meeting would cost us plenty but to have a renouned reef expert and author here is exciting and we wanted to do it for the club....
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In that case we will all just need to ensure that we continue to support your store (in a big way).

Thanks again for picking up the tab,
Is there any other way to get tickets other than by mailing? I am in SC and would like to attend but with mailing there isnt enough time to get the money to you and you get the tickets back to me before the meeting.
Hello Lori and Arthur,
We can not sell tickets at the door due to some goverment rule, but we will have tickets at our store which is on the way for you.
I will pm my cell phone and we can make some arrangement. Let me know your trip plans.
As of right now, our plan is to come up saturday night and spend the night. We have our Charleston reef club meeting on saturday which is at 7pm and we figured after our meeting is over we would just head to Jacksonville and get a motel. So if possible we could meet with you sometime sunday before the meeting or go to your store to get 2 tickets.
Sounds great...
The store normally opens at noon on Sunday but next week it be opening at 10am.
We will have additional items added to our sale page for the 17th and 18th only. See our web site for next weekend specials..
Drive safe.
Thank you to all of those that attended the NFMAS meeting with Anthony Calfo at Guana River State Park. The meeting was a great success and included reef club members from all over the state.

A BIG thank you to Bioreef and the volunteers of Guana River State Park. It's nice to see that Jacksonville has a retailer that is pushing the limits of our hobbie. Please continue to support Jacksonville's local fish stores and their commitment to excellence.

I hope all of you were inspired by Anthony's lecture on the future of aquaculture. The collection of specimens directly from the wild is quickly becoming a thing of the past. I feel it is our role, as aquarists to facilitate this evolution. The future of earth's wild reefs are in question but we may be able to curtail their demise via successful aquacuture efforts.

Good luck to all of you that plan to begin your own coral propogation efforts and remember to push the limits of our hobbie!

I wish I would have gotten a chance to speak to you at the meeting. It is always nice to put a face to a name. Thank you for helping to bring in a great speaker, and supporting the club as well.

Perhaps one day, we will get the chance to see your tank in person vs looking at the amazing pictures you have posted.

Also, a thanks to bioreef for putting on one of the most memorable meetings that I have attended. You guys always raise the bar each time you host a meeting! Thanks for the support (the drawing was a really nice touch, I don't think anyone walked away empty handed!)