February Meeting

Hi Everyone,

I wanted to thank Aqua Life for hosting a wonderful get together!

I had a great time meeting people today, and putting faces to user names!

This club seems very tight, almost like a big family, and I'm very excited to become a part of it!

Thanks again,

I would also like to thank the Aqualife family for hosting the meeting, we had a descent turn out even though the weather prevented most people from leaving their homes. Thanks to all of the new people for showing interest in the club.

for all of those that couldn't make it, we did some fragging demonstrations and just hung out. John also brought over the club business cards we will be taking them to all of the LFS so they could pass them out to their customers.

Steve, welcome to the club

once again thanks to all who attended

Erik Guzman
Many thanks to Charlie and family for hosting the meeting today. We had a good turn out. It was nice to see more new people show up today and I hope we can hold their attention and keep them coming back. Special thanks to Erik and Steffen for the frag demo on the different corals. Thanks to all the new people that came out to the meeting today and took part. I hope all of you that were new today join us here and take part.

I think the cards should help bring more people to the club. The website will direct them to our forum here and help them navigate RC a little bit easier.
I had a lot of fun thanks Charlie and family I had a great time... My stomach hurt from eating to much. Also learned some new things thanks Erik and Steffen. :)
I really wanted to make the meeting, but one thing lead to another and not to mention the weather....yuk!! I hope that someone will post pics and hopefully Mr. Prez took roll call and some notes :) See ya at the next one for sure!!!
Great meeting. Thank you Charlie and your family for graciously hosting the meeting. You have a very nice store. Learned alot, thanks Eric and Stephen for the demos.
