FFExp has tropical bali octopus?

Louis Z

Active member
Are these the ones that have a coloration of a lionfish? Just wondering - I will never own one just thinking about how cool these octos would look in person.
if it was mimic or wunderpus, i guess it would say that on the pricelists, as many importers would like to make a quick BIG buck out of those species...

Bali octopus could refer to many species... I have had 4 (I think from Bali) and they were all different. Most notably a dwarf Octopus cf. bocki I have just now and my first octo which had extremely long arms. (body about 3-4cm and arms up to about 30 or so if my memory hasnt started exagerating :)

The distinction is that most octopuses sold are bimaculoides and they are not really a tropical octopus, prefering to be kept below 72-75 degF, preferably in the 60's. So by advertising "tropical" species, just means that they could live in the 70s or 80s degF

It would still be a "lucky dip"!

Thanks octomonkey for the lead - just reassured me that I was in no way able to handle the mimic. Had a question - has the problem of feeding the planktonic larval stages been solved yet. The octopus was my incentive to start towards a saltwater tank. Yet after researching a bit on husbandry I discarded the thought of having one. Its been 2 years since I stopped looking at all the octo info. The tonmo site is a lot better than when i visited along time ago. I still wonder about the info from the nrcc- I dont have access to any institutional library so I was never able to read the info from them. As for acquiring an octo I thought about getting one from cephsource - yet at that time they went thru some type of relocation/restructuring. So I just gave up - I figured that since I lived in clear lake ( 2mi. away ) that they would be the best source for a healthy octo. After reading about the poor collection/shipping that most octos go thru it would be a shame to get one. Just got a newsletter about the nrcc collaboration with the Moody gardens aquarium to display the two spotted octopus- It would be great if they could display some of the cuttles also- I would love to see the pharonis in person. Oh by the way I have to email you on the tonmo site I cant seem to log in again - i must of screwed up in remembering my log in.
As far os octos from bali anf ff express. The ones I have seen come from them have a walnut size mantle and great texture change ability. There is some info on them on the sources of live cephalopods page on the cephalopod page.
I am sure it is not the same species for sale all the time.
There are much better and easier too keep species than the mimic. The pacific two spot, pacific mudflat(O.bimaculoides) is about the best you can get. They are hardy little suckers! I would like to see if any one can get octos from south america. There are some species there that would be great for home aquaria.
On another note Colin and Pat. The O.mercatoris? hatchling is 6 weeks old and growing and doing well. It was very bold and active the other night.
Still eating live food. I ran out of home grown pods to feed the little guy so I made a trip to the ocean and caught about 2000 fresh amphipods friday night. I was also able to get a nice small green crab for my bimac and I also caught a couple baltic isopods that are way to large for the hatchling.
Chris, let me know if you need any more of those things this summer. I do alot of diving on the weekends in Newport RI and collect fish,crabs,shrimp, etc. either scuba or seine netting. Bring back alot of silversides for my trigger and aggresive eel. I drive through Nashua on my way home, could drop some off. What do you use to get the amphipods? Just a net?
Hey Chris
I usually go diving all the time. I haven't had a chance to this summer. Still need to get my tanks hydroed. I collect the amphipods at night. I use a dive light and a net. Its very easy. I the pods I get are a unbeatable food for baby cephs and sea horses and any thing that requires live food that is really small. They are nothing like the pods you get in live rock. These little guys swim like crazy. You really need to see them to believe them. I gut load them after I get them with a product called cyclop eeze to maintain them till they are used for food. If any one out here plans to raise eggs to baby cephs. Let it be known that you will require massive amounts of live food. My one hatchling O.mercatoris? completely depleated a 20 gallon amphipod breeding tub that had been growing for over a year. Thats one little tiny hatchling. If you were to attempt to rear 50,100,300 hatchlings, you will need to live very close to the ocean or be rich and order 200 bucks of mysis shrimp every week!
Chris,If you ever want to go pod hunting, let me know its a blast lol.
RI fish hunting must be cool. I understand O.vulgaris has been known to make its way to RI.
Hey Chris, That dwarf octo I have decimated a HUGE amphipod population in its tank. There must have literally been thousands in there!
It is only since it has done that (took about 4 weeks) that it actually started on the crabs i put in, very unusual comapred to all other octos I have had, they all go for crabs quick style!!!)

Now, I only wish that I could see more of it instead of one arm and one eye!!!!! Here is a pic of ALL I SEE! :(

Can you make out the suckers and the eye?

Hey Chris, That dwarf octo I have decimated a HUGE amphipod population in its tank. There must have literally been thousands in there!
It is only since it has done that (took about 4 weeks) that it actually started on the crabs i put in, very unusual comapred to all other octos I have had, they all go for crabs quick style!!!)

Now, I only wish that I could see more of it instead of one arm and one eye!!!!! Here is a pic of ALL I SEE! :(