Finally, 92 Gallon Corner Tank Build (Pic Heavy)


Active member
1st of all, I've never done a build thread, so please bare with me. Please give me any Ideas that you may have or ask away with any questions.
I'd like to start by dedicating this thread to Puff, My Coral Beauty Angel that died yesterday about one week before her new home got up and running, she was my oldest fish, been with me from the beggining, but unfavorable condition in a smaller holding tank was finally the end of her.


This tank is going to be a mixed reef, LPS, softies and a few SPS ( the hardier ones) sprinkled here or there. My Fish stock list consist of:
Black Clown Fish
Clown Fish
Coral Beauty Angel
Flame Angel
Rock Beauty Angel
Moorish Idol
One Spot Foxface
Purple Dartfish
Sleeper Head Goby
Neon Goby pair
Orange Spotted Rock Blenny
Tailspot Blenny

Before any one jumps on me for mixing the Angels, I have seen it be done successfully & I had 2 dwarf angels in a 30 gallon reef tank before so Im pretty confident in my ability to do it again.

Here is the pic of the tank when I 1st bought it last November.

I'm only starting my build now, because I had a lot going on this year, got married, bought a house, moved in, changed schools, etc.

Now to my tank build, since I am planning a pretty high fish bioload, I bought the best skimmer I could afford, a recirc Reef Octo 200; For Lights Im using a 175 watt MH w Ice Cap Ballast supplemented w 2 sets of 2 24w T-5 Actinics. For a return pump, Im using a Mag 18.

My Wife told me If I was going to do this I really had to make the tank and stand look nice, so I had a new stand built for it & I cleaned the tank. I painted the stand and protected the wood incase of any water spills.
(This stuff is sticky!!!)

I quickly realized the #1 problem w the corner tank, SPACE. It doesnt help that the Skimmer I bought is HUGE. So I decided to build my sump inside the stand w the skimmer already inside it.
I decided to to make an L-Shaped Sump, We ( Mike Powell & I) made it out of glass & Silicone. Here are a few pics of the sump build.



Here are a few other pitures of the sump build, Later tonight I will post a picture of the silicone I used, the water testing and a few other pics.




I will also post the measure ments of the sump tomorrow...
Thanks Roger for the compliments & the sentiment!

Here are a few more pictures:
This is the silicone I used, aquarium safe.

House of Fins sold the 10.1 oz tubes that you put in the cauking gun, it was an arm & a leg, $20 per tub.
It would of been a $60 project as opposed to the $18 I spent on like 8 or 9 of these.

This is my Skimmer

I installed the T-5s into the canopy:

Here is the sump being tested for leaks, It has the capacity to hold up to 28 gallons, but will only be holding 13 -14 gallons when it's circulating, the rest is available incase of an overflow.


I'm proud to announce that there was no leaks at all, so I drained it, now Im going to redo the baffles correctly, they are a little slanted, so I will tackle that next.
Here are a few pics of what my tank, stand, canopy, sump & T-5s are looking like now.

My puppy G. Shepherd snuck in to this last pic, he didnt want to move, lol!


Stay tuned for further progress...
Nice looking stand and canopy...much better than what held up the tank originally.
Hey, sorry about puff. Did you like my fatty coral beauty?
That corner tank looks like it would make a nice home for him. hint

I'll call you tonight.
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I have the same aquarium, with a potters, flame and regal angel all living together peacefully. Ive told you before, your more than welcome to come check out my display. I dont even want to list the rest of my fish stock list here, but I also keep quite a bit of wrasses in their and everyone is doing fine for over 11 months now.

On a side note, I would have gone with a 250w MH, but if your not planning any SPS then you should be fine.
Nice setup
But is that all the light you are going to have? How many watts are those t-5s? Not trying to bash you or anything Im just curious
"its looking real nice. I like the DIY sump, nice acrylic work" -egdevilboy
TYVM, I Appreciate it! THe sump is glass though!

"Nice looking stand and canopy...much better than what held up the tank originally.
Hey, sorry about puff. Did you like my fatty coral beauty?
That corner tank looks like it would make a nice home for him. hint

I'll call you tonight." -REDDAWG43

Thanx Mel I did like your CB Angel, the only thing is that she's pretty big & I dont know how she'll deal w smaller angels, but I'll contemplate it any way.

"I have the same aquarium, with a potters, flame and regal angel all living together peacefully. Ive told you before, your more than welcome to come check out my display. I dont even want to list the rest of my fish stock list here, but I also keep quite a bit of wrasses in their and everyone is doing fine for over 11 months now.

On a side note, I would have gone with a 250w MH, but if your not planning any SPS then you should be fine." -flfireman1

Thanx, I know you have invited me over several times & I do plan on going, it's just a time thing w me but TYVM. Also thanks for the support w the fish, I have thought so, so I really havent been scared of trying it. If anything, I'll borrow Rogers Bamboo spear, lol, JK!! As far as the lights, I dont want the tank getting to hot, so thats why I went w 175 W. I dont have space or $$$$ for a chiller. I am planning on cooling the tank w just fans, some aimed directly at the water, and a few on the top of the canopy sucking the hot air out. I am planning to dab into a few SPS, but the lower end ones that are tougher & require less light. I plan on having those directly under the MH at the top of the tank anyway.

"NICE!" -gasman059

Thanx, you & Roger are the inspiration w the fish selections!! Angels & an Idol!!! (Butterflys still scare me though)

"Nice setup
But is that all the light you are going to have? How many watts are those t-5s? Not trying to bash you or anything Im just curious" - Magga Pie

Thanks for the compliment, Those are 2 sets of 2 -24watt T-5s, so a total of 96 watt T-5s. those are going to be my actinics, I will have a 14 K 175 w MH w an Icecap Ballast in the center. UI beleive the combo of the T-5s + the MH should be enough light.

"OMG! It came out looking great!" -Uncle Luke
"Bernie, Your tank is looking very nice..." -WLDSHARK
"looking good. nice work on the sump." -jimbo78

Thank you guys for the encouragement and compliments!!

"Very nice." -Husky_1

TYVM, you have no Idea how much your thread has helped, so thanx alot!! Alot of info & Ideas came from there, TY.
"Very nice!!!!!

Might be a stupid question but...Will you be able to remove skimmer for maintenance?" - AquamanE

Ok, it's not a stupid question, its actually a great question!! I am capable of taking the skimmer out if it is necessary but its not likely I will, I believe I will be doing maintenance in the actual sump, due the extremely limited space & size of the skimmer, I felt like I didnt have much of a choice, but again if need be, I am capable of it. Thank you for the kind words too.

"congrats on your build thread! It looks sweet! Can wait to see it set up. LOL" -MikePowell

Last, but definitely not least, a extra special thanx to my great friend Mike, he has been at my house much more time than I'd like to admit & more time than his wife would like, lol!! Buddy, you know your definitely going to be the 1st one to see it all, I definitely couldn't do it w out you, well, maybe I could, but it would have taken me alot longer though, lol!! Thanks alot Mike!!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13696908#post13696908 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Bernie21
"As far as the lights, I dont want the tank getting to hot, so thats why I went w 175 W. I dont have space or $$$$ for a chiller. I am planning on cooling the tank w just fans, some aimed directly at the water, and a few on the top of the canopy sucking the hot air out. I am planning to dab into a few SPS, but the lower end ones that are tougher & require less light. I plan on having those directly under the MH at the top of the tank anyway.
Geez, I really wish you would have talked to me earlier. I have a double ended 250w MH with Icecap ballast in mine and I actually have to keep a heater in the sump because my temp goes down to 75-76 without it. I also have 4 fans installed in the canopy (thanks to Emilio) and had to unplug one to try and maintain the temp a little higher. So needless to say I definetly do not run a chiller in my tank. With the heater running the temp stays constant at 77.9-78.2

Oh and the way I placed the fans were one on each of the rear sides of the canopy blowing in and two on the top of the canopy blowing out. No need to point them down, just directly over the MH.

I am glad my build helped, I really think you will have a great advantage over my tank with the bigger skimmer. This is the one mistake I had. I thought I was buying a "Good" skimmer with the tunze 9010, and maybe it is, but I should have gone bigger. I am seriously considering a BK 180 mini if I can find a used one. Of course it may take a little sump reconfig, and may ask you for your glass dimensions :).

As for the lights, as FL fireman stated, I would not be worried with heat. As you may know from my build, I only have 2 fans, both pushing in, and have some heat escape holes on the top of my canopy. Now that i do not have my CL I cannot get my temp above 76, which is 2 degrees higher than what I keep my house at. That being said, I am considering raising my MH up a little bit to lessen the intensity.

One of the other changes I plan on making is using both of the build in overflow holes for drains and having the return come up over the back. I am not comfortable with only one drain to the sump.