Finally after 6 years

I don't think u can change the size if u post the pick via thumbnail. If u are on a computer u can use something like Flickr. If u are on a mobile phone I suggest trying I tried using different hosting sites like Flickr, imgur & a couple more but after a week with no success on a mobile I found postimage & it was simple to use
Looking fantastic Abhishek!:thumbsup:

I still use radiums as the primary, and will probably never change.

Yeah, I got an ATI 8 bulb fixture but returned it in a day. Couldn't be without halides for more than a few hours .

There's something magical about radiums run on magnetic M80s. They just pop colors in acros like no other lights.

Today's update with the tank . Things looking pretty much good . Ofcoarse I have algae - same cyano, hair as everyone does . Measured my phophates and nitrates and after 3 readings with 2 different test kits - I decided NO MORE TESTING of nutrients .

Its heart breaking to see numbers and more confusing as the numbers reflect nothing on the coral colors and growth.

Decided to start relying solely on how corals look to decide if I want to change anything .

Nitrates at 30 and PO4 at 0.2. No GFO or carbon . Only bubble king and lots and lots of food for my fishes .

Flow is pretty high with 2 Tunze 6095s, 1 6055, 1 6105 running at 100% and 1 seaswirl connected to my return . Increased radium hours from 8 to 11 over the coarse of a month and many browned out acros started showing wayyy more colors.

Am not gonna change anything even if the numbers are heart breaking :mixed:

Add coraline to your list of things to watch for a healthy tank. When it stops growing, this is usually a sign that the nutrients might be too high for good/normal calcification.

That is a very old school approach if you intend on changing water. It work for decades.

Looks good.
Add coraline to your list of things to watch for a healthy tank. When it stops growing, this is usually a sign that the nutrients might be too high for good/normal calcification.

That is a very old school approach if you intend on changing water. It work for decades.

Looks good.

I appreciate your input and thanks a lot . Yes ,coralline has taken off and am closely watching it to see any impact .i am just too scared to make any changes
looks great, man you got a lot of flow it makes me rethink the amount of pumps I have

I saw a presentationby jason fox which changed my way of reefkeeping .
Water quality and flow are the top most parameters that rule above lightening .
It has made a world of difference to me when I added more flow .
We cannot replicate ocean currents but as close as I can , I shall try it .

This tank is looking very nice.

What is the fish list? What are you feeding daily?
This tank is looking very nice.

What is the fish list? What are you feeding daily?

Hey sahin ,

Pleasure and thanks for the reply .
Fish list is - a pair of onyx clowns , 3 Randall's anthias , 1 charlenae anthias ( it's quite aggressive) , a pair of blue star leopards , a solor fairy wrasse ..
A copperband is in quarantine and will be released shortly .

Fishes are fed like 3-4 times with LRS reef Frenzy , nutramar ova , hilarious mysis and easy reefs Masstick.

Plan is to make it an anthias only tank with purple queens and Randall's in a
couple of years when I can move rest of the livestock to a bigger tank .

Just wanted to document the progress of the only wild frag I have . Its so amazing to see how frags that start STN bounce back with a little TLC and lots of nutrients . Nitrates today are 25 ppm and PO4 - 0.16

First when I got it :- It already started STN at the bottom

It slowly turned brown after STN stopped

And today - Crappy cell phone pic but it simply doubled in size with yellow tips and bright blue polyps which I cannot capture. Very similar to Poletti Yellow tip or WWC Yellow tip but I love mine more . its an austera to the best of my belief in identification

Wish I had a DSLR to take a proper pic . Someday when i stop buying acros .
