Thanks for the info on the fish. Those orange lines cardinals are great as well and they are available, great. Here is my updated fish list.
1 Bellus Angel
2 Crosshatch Triggers
1 Regal Blue Tang
1 Clown Tang
1 Sailfin Tang
1 Achilles Tang
1 Chevron Tang
9 Lyretail Anthias
25 Red or Oranged Lined Cardinals
2 Spotted Mandarin Gobies
2 Green Clown Gobies
2 Panda Clown Gobies
2 Brown Clown Gobies
4 Cleaner Gobies
3 False Percula Clownfish
4 Hawaiin Fourline wrasses
2 Leapord Wrasees
2 Highfin Perchlets
2 Convict Blennies
67 Total
Getting long... Opinions Necessary.
reefer4eva - No worries, ask what you want about sketchup. Glad to help. I generally take one point and copy it, then modify it as needed. I usually do this with a 90 on one end already and then rotated, reposition, and resize things as need. It takes a lot of treaking to line things up at first. Make sure you use the x,y,z guidelines to make this easier.