finally beginning my 480g 5'x5'x30" SPS Reef Tank

Jonathan - good luck, I really like this program and I think its worth the effort. There are a lot of free collections and tutorials online that are very useful. Check them out.

reefer - I think I emailed you my plumbing and skimmer so you are welcome to just copy and paste pieces from ym setup into your work. To copy you simple double click the piece you are working on and this selects the entire piece. Then simply paste.

For everyone. I have uploaded some of my sketchup files to my webpage. Everyone feel free to use my files as you please. This will make plumbing significantly easier. Just give me props if necessary.

Enjoy! Michael Hirschmann jr./Sketchup Files.html
Looked at that link you posted reefer and it would have make my plumbing a lot easier to use that dounut idea. You can make a line with angles in it the same way the donut is done. I tried it and it works great.

Thanks for the idea!
As an example. I made this in about 2 minutes where it might have take 10 before. And it looks smoother to.

Hate to keep posting here by myself but I am 5 hours ahead of you guys so I have ben thinking about this stuff for a while already.

updated fish list

Show fish
-Bellus Angel
-Hopefully a pair of crosshatch triggers, the stars of my new tank.
-Regal blue Tang
-Sailfin Tang
-Clown Tang
-Achilles Tang
-Chevron Tang

-6-8 Lyretail anthias
-12-15 Oranged Lined Cardinals or Red Cardinals if I can get my hand on that many.

-2 six line wrasses
-2 Neon blue cleaner gobies

-2 spotted mandarin gobies
-3 clown gobies (1 green, 1 panda, 1 brown so that mated pairs don't form which can hurt my acros)
-2 leaporad wrasses
-2 highfin perchlets
-1 convict blenny

42 total

I have started a thread in the "reef fish" forum to discuss this list further, advice would still be appreciated here.
Tom, have you thought about what your going to use for rock? Real live rock or the dry stuff like Marco Rock and just seed it?
I am transfering 300 pounds of rock from my 120g system and will be purchasing another 600 pounds of live rock which will cure completely at my friends LFS before I transfer it into my tank. The 600 pounds have already be ordered and it consists of mainly Fijian Live rock.
Tom is that all the fish, few more should do :D. OMG don't forget the crosshatch trigger. i loved the way my female look, but the male will be the one.
Thanks bart... still working on it. If you have something you think I should add let me know. My thread on the reef fish forum has been useful. I have gotten a suggestion for the chaulk bass which is a cool little yellow school fish, so I'm looking into those as well. Dont worry, the trigger is number 1 in my book right now. :D

reefer - no worries, let me know if that link works for you on my sight. Good luck.

Here is my canopy that I have been working on. I included that hint reefer4eva gave me for the extraction fan ducting, Think it looks pretty good.

canopy covered

canopy uncovered and labeled

Let me know if you all see any major faults in my design.
thanks... After seeing how they performed with my SPS on my 120g I have high hopes. Looking forward to putting them through there paces.
Let me know if you all see any major faults in my design.

:D you're missing one more 60" Solaris fixture :D
Yea the links worked. Man this is frustrating lolll. Kk i did copy the 90s but you know what sucks now...... they dont fit loll. Ive been trying to scale them but its really hard. Thirschmann do you remember now how to make a 90 with the radius dimensiones you want ??
bart - does the 24" for my frag tank count :D

reefer - glad it worked for you. You could make a circle with the radius you what, chop it into four segments, and then use that fance "follow me" function to make a 90.
ohhhh yeaaa thats true. Wow its hard rotating and placing the pieces. I mean i spent like 2 hours placing one piece lol. Also when you rotate a piece it comes out tilted a bit. I DO NOT know how you yours looking soo good. Not fair man haha :bounce1:
ohhhh yeaaa thats true. Wow its hard rotating and placing the pieces. I mean i spent like 2 hours placing one piece lol. Also when you rotate a piece it comes out tilted a bit. I DO NOT know how you yours looking soo good. Not fair man haha :bounce1: