finally found a reef safe and hardy starfish


New member
like many hobbyists, i have previously tried linckia stars and starfish from the fromia species with very little success - most staying alive for 1-2 months at best. i gave up on stars and was convinced that a hardy and reef safe 'classic looking' (not a serpent, brittle, etc) starfish didn't exist in this hobby.

a while back i stumbled on a 2 year old thread on here where someone said they found what was being sold as a "common sea star" from an online vendor called kp aquatics (formerly sea life inc) in the keys. i believe it's from the echinaster sentus species. i waited nearly a year for them to come back in stock on their website, and then one day they finally had them, so i ordered a couple, and crossed my fingers. they were only 10 bucks so i figured i didn't have a lot to lose.

after 6 months, i can confirm that kp aquatics "common stars" are an excellent/hardy starfish for those who want the classic looking starfish that won't eat coral and won't be dead in a couple weeks like we so commonly see with linckia's and fromia species. i've heard the common stars are NOT clam safe, so use caution if you house clams.

about my tank - i have a heavily stocked mixed reef, 76g, and they haven't touched anything. no spot feeding them either. my tank's been up and running for 3 or so years, and it's a very high-nutrient system... nitrates 20+ ppm and phosphates at 0.14ppm at the moment.

believe it or not, the first 2 pics below were not staged, they just happened to all be hanging out side by side during a water change (which is why the water is so cloudy)



few more recent shots:




can't say enough good things about kp aquatics - you get your order straight from the source, no middle man, and i have a feeling that's why these starfish do so well... careful acclimation. also, i ordered 2 and they sent me 3! no complaints there... i asked them if it was a mistake and they said no, they just wanted to throw in a freebie. i decided to try some gorgonian's for the first time too, and they are still thriving in my tank, not to mention they were huge pieces for VERY fair prices. i am not affiliated with kp aquatics and i'm not sure if posting links to other vendors is allowed but google them or look them up on facebook and you'll find them. kara, one of the owners, was actually on a few episodes of fish tank kings on nat geo, leading a dive team in the keys. pretty cool!

conclusion: kp aquatics is the best kept secret in reefing, i can't believe they don't get more attention. hopefully that changes and they stick around for the long haul. my ONLY complaints are that i wish there website was easier to navigate, or that they would post more facebook updates, but apparently they're a 2-person operation, who literally does all the diving/collecting, shipping, and customer service themselves. maybe we can look into getting them as a sponsor on here to boost their profile.
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I think you touched on your success. Diver direct is often the best when it comes to fragile inverts. As long as they care you will likely have better success rates.

I had a blue linkia for years. It's awesome when you have success.
haven't a clue! i often see them at the top of the glass though, sticking out one of their arms (catching floating micro organisms?)

Haha! Okay, thanks. :) I'm setting up a new tank so it's a long way off from being established, but would love to have a starfish someday.
Haha! Okay, thanks. :) I'm setting up a new tank so it's a long way off from being established, but would love to have a starfish someday.

i would keep these guys at the top of the list - the only star i've had success with aside from serpents.
Congrats with your success, and I just wanted to say I love your large toadstool. :thumbsup:
Congrats with your success, and I just wanted to say I love your large toadstool. :thumbsup:

thanks! it's a beast for sure, takes up half my tank lol. i have to frag it regularly or else everything around it gets no light. one of my clown likes it better than the giant bta i have :rolleyes:
I use to have one of these! When mine was up at the top I would drop pellets on him and he would eat them. I eventually lost him when some apitasia-x was spilled on him. I was really sad to loose him.
I always have those guys in my tank.
These and serpent stars. All pretty hardy.
Mine all come from Tampa Bay Saltwater.
And none bother my clam.


Thanks for the tip on the starfish. I don't think I have seen them before in the hobby. Good to know about kp too.
I still don't like the idea of having no idea what they eat. They must eat something and if all we can do is speculate about it you're basically buying it and hoping it doesn't starve to death or eat something else in the tank of value.
I have a common starfish (from tampa bay saltwater), and I gotta say that it's made it 7 months, but is a little skinnier than it used to be. I have a flame scallop and sponges so I feed a little phyto, foods like reef chili, Rod's, and of course mysis and other meaty stuff to the fish. Anyway, my starfish sometimes seems to filter feed after I feed Rod's and reef chili -- it will raise an arm like it's trying to catch particulates. It also loves moving along my front glass AFTER I've cleaned it. So maybe some type of biofilm remains or it likes the stuff that first starts accumulating?

I think it's done better than many other starfish stories I've heard of, and keeping my tank a little dirtier probably helps. I do think it's eating something in the tank, but I honestly don't know what, and I don't think it's getting quite enough of it. I'd say it's maintaining, but not thriving -- unlike my serpents and brittles which are happy to eat chunks of anything I send their way and are as happy and active as when I first got them, and have grown in size.
I wonder if another starfish like the common one can be purchased. They don't have these anymore.

Plus - when I was setting up the tank - I was told not to get a starfish. They eat all life from the sand bed (good or bad) and then starve to death.

Not true?

Are they okay to have?
Was just on their site and they dont have any more of the "common sea star" :-(

just checked and they appear to be in stock now. $7.50, can't really go wrong. check out some of their gorg's too, i bought the "large purple plume" gorgonian and it's one of my favorite pieces in my tank... the piece they sent me is nearly a foot tall.