finally found a reef safe and hardy starfish

I've always had great luck with serpent stars but any of the others have always slowly withered away on me.

same for me. like many others, i tried linckia's and then fromia's... looked great for a couple days and then dead within a week or so. the common starfish from kp aquatics are the only hardy starfish (aside from serpents) that i've been able to keep alive long term. I have a lot more reefing experience since i last tried linkcia's and fromia's but i still don't dare try it again.
Have you tried to feed raw shrimp yet, it would be nice to know if they will take prep'd food.
I agree that K&P is one of best companies, I've gotten a couple of nice shipments.
Patrick is also very hardy and reef safe:


Cute lol!
Have you tried to feed raw shrimp yet, it would be nice to know if they will take prep'd food.
I agree that K&P is one of best companies, I've gotten a couple of nice shipments.

i can't remember what exactly is in larry's reef frenzy but i was able to target feed a starfish on the glass last night. pretty cool! maybe i'll try to take a video
I have been wanting a classic looking reef safe star for a long time. I hope that these do prove to be sustainable in the home. I love Linkia stars but I don't want to add an animal I can't keep alive.
Asterias rubens is the scientific name I do believe. Have one in my tank. They sit at the top and filter for micro-particles to eat. So far so good. Doesn't move a lot, but when I moved him towards the middle of the tank to do a water change, he crawls right back up to "his spot" pretty quickly.
Asterias rubens is the scientific name I do believe. Have one in my tank. They sit at the top and filter for micro-particles to eat. So far so good. Doesn't move a lot, but when I moved him towards the middle of the tank to do a water change, he crawls right back up to "his spot" pretty quickly.

mine have similar behavior.. they seem to be fairly active, but sometimes they'll spend an entire day in the same spot filter-feeding. i love the fact that these starfish aren't always hiding under rocks.. always one of the most talked about creatures when people see my tank for the first time.
here's a time lapse video i recorded with my iphone of the common starfish from kp aquatics eating.. i got sick of holding the phone after 15 minutes, and now, over an hour later, the little guy is still working on it. i'm not sure what it is exactly (scallop? clam?) but it was a decent sized chunk out of a frozen sliver of larry's reef frenzy. i can probably experiment with other foods if people are interested, and possibly invest in a cheap tripod too haha
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
The serpents are scavengers, they eat anything they can find. Mind come running out of the rocks when I feed the tank.
These "common" starfish seem to feed on bio/algae films.
For me they are on the walls of the tank most of the time, and sometimes they climb to the top and stretch a leg or two out just under the surface of the water, like they are skimming proteins off the top of the water.
If they are starving, it's taking them years to do it.

How does one run with no legs?

Where is the Confucius smiley when you need it!?
Hey Ryan. How are stars doing? I'm interested in purchasing the same ones for my tanks and was wondering what if anything you spot feed them.
I just sold this big red brittle star today. Still have another one in my system.
That's a 5 gallon salt bucket. ;)
These guys mostly hide during the day and scavenge at night.

Any other experience with these starfish? I'm placing an order with KP aquatics tonight and was tempted to try one.
Ryan, did your starfish finally eat the piece of fish you gave it? Interested in stars, but know that most of them don't last long.