Ok, after the first day of having everything running I have a few issues. First issue is because I separated each drain to run to their own filter sock instead of conglomeration the previous owner used, my skimmer section is extremely crowded. I have the 2 filter socks behind the skimmer side by side. Getting to them to actually change the sock out is gonna be a huge PITA with the skimmer in the way. The one on the right side isn't to bad, but the one on the left is a pain. No clue on how to fix this with the current setup. Only thing I can come up with is moving the skimmer to the back, and putting the filter socks on the front. Second, my drain on the right side belches about every minute or so. Not sure if this is due to the flexible hose on the drain, or the fact it has to go all the way across the tank and then down or what. I have watched the overflow, and the water level doesn't change, it just belches so I'm assuming its trapping air somehow that takes about a minute for it to release, and then starts over. Lastly, my heaters. This is my first setup actually putting the heaters in the sump. I have two in there, a 150W and a 50W. Both are set at 80 degrees. You can see them in the pic above, one is right next to the skimmer, the other is just to the right of it between the first set of baffles (yes this water stays at a constant height). I put them in about 4pm today. The lights have since went off on both which should mean they are at the right temperature. I then stuck my hand in the gray tub to the left to start pulling some rock out, and the water there is considerably warmer than the new tank ( that heater is also set to 80). Any ideas what is going on here? My return pump is a mag 9.5 on 3/4 pipe, going up about 5 ft. I'm taking a rough guess and assuming it's running about 5-600 gph through the sump.