firm believer of filter sock!


New member
I have always believe and read that a free flowing reef tank is a better choice vs one with use of filter sock. After 2 years of very high matainence schedule with water change, cleaning algae off the glass....etc..etc, I decided to try a filter sock. My only means of filtration at the time was my skimmer and water change. After using it for about 2 weeks, I am a firm believer of using it. I change the filter sock about twice a week and notice a big difference is water clarity, much less algae (I only clean it once a week vs 2-3 times a week) and my fuge stays very clean. I should of done this a long time ago and would of save me a lot work! :rollface:
I can only give kudos that do not use a filter sock and maintain excellent water clarity. Like you, my setup requires a filter sock to get to that point, but nonetheless it certainly looks a lot nicer. I try not to run them 24/7. I put one on, blow out the rock with a power head and remove it about 2 days later. I then leave it off for a few days so the fuge gets some raw water. Eventually, the sock goes back on.
I run a sock 24/7. Like you I had tried to not use one for a while but there is simply no way to get rid of all the large particles floating around the tank. Even if your nutrients are low, you still have stuf floating around which blocks alot of light and looks like crap. Ever since running carbon and a filter sock I will never look back.
Socks are great. My tank is crystal clear and you can't believe the junk in the sock after only a few days. R
Same here.
My first sump was just a 20H aquarium without baffles. I had to use a filter sock to control microbubbles. I always looked forward to the day when I had a better sump and didn't need the sock any longer.

Now I run a 40G sump with baffles and went back to running a sock
keeps water cleaner
dampens noise
great at microbubble reduction.
Well, I have a small sump where I use a HOB skimmer. When I wasn't using a filter sock water entering to the sump creates a lot of turbulances and bubbles, therefore I believe it hinders my skimmers skimmate production. Now the filter sock takes all splashing and bubbles away leaving my sump at a very 'calm' state and my skimmer has improve substantially in skimmate production. No more dry salts from splashes and kept my interior of my cabinet very clean. I love it! Oh and I use the felt type 100 micron.
Do you reuse the socks? If yes, how are you cleaning them ?

Curious as I plan on using them for during/after tank cleaning and would like to reuse if possible.

to clean them you just throw them in the washing machine with a tiny bit of bleach or none at all. I've washed each of mine probably 30 times and they still look brand new
If one thinks in terms of mechanical and biological filtration, the filter sock is second in line of the mechanical, (second only to high flow stirring up the particles first), followed by the skimmer which takes out the fine particulate. Its easier to scoop out the big stuff first, and let the skimmer do its job on the smaller later on.

It on my mind lately to change them more often, rather than when the water gets to the top, because I think of all of that crud in the sock still producing waste into the water collumn.
I also agree with what most of you have said. And like old salty - kudos to those who don't use them and still keep their tanks clean. I second (click on applications then on aquariums) it will give you the type and micron size most commonly used; you can then get different lengths and diameters. I just wash them in the machine on gentle with no bleach.

For those of you that use the filter socks don't they also catch a lot of pods and critters? Change socks two or three times a week?
dwsindy, I was thinking the same thing. I would think that a lot of critters would get caught in the sock. It's hard enough to keep enough of those critters without catching them in a sock.

What is the thought on this?


About pods and critters - yes you will catch some pods, etc in the sock. If you are totally opposed to doing this (i.e. not allowing the pods to be able to get from the display to refugium and also from back up to the display) remember your return pump can be chopping them up too. But if you did want to use the sock and are still concerned about this, you may leave the sock off for periods of time to prevent this.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7098451#post7098451 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by algundo
Do you run your filter socks fully submerged or above the water line hanging? Does it matter?

I run the sock about 80% submerged. If you run it completely above you will probably get micro-bubbles. I think most run their input hose submerged also, but I run mine above the water level with it pointed at the part of the sock above the water line. This seems to be the most quiet method for me.
