firm believer of filter sock!

Do any of you wash your filter socks with gel bleach as opposed to standard liquid bleach? I was wondering if it made a difference. Also, would soaking in vinegar clean them as well as bleach? And then how would I get the stink and residue of vinegar out of them?
I wash mine in the washer in hot water with no soap, bleach or anything. I put it in the lowest level of water and let it air dry. It comes out very clean.

I just picked up a 100 micro bag at Petsmart for 2 bucks. It's meant for media but works just fine for a filter sock. I rinse the crud buildup out of it every 2-3 days and just put it back on. It's done wonders for my tank already and I've only had it on there 2 weeks.

I also picked up a hell of an algae scraper there for 4 bucks the kent scraper but the handle is more like an ice scraper, the blade is stainless and works better than the $20 Kent scraper.
For those of you who have a bunch of filter socks that you rotate, do you let the dirty ones dry out before washing a bunch of them at the same time? If so, does allowing them to dry out dirty affect how clean you can get them during the wash?
ive got four, i wash them when i get to 3 dirty, i let them dry out then flip them inside out and throw them in the washer, sometimes w bleach, sometimes w/o
I bought my first filter socks about a week ago, I can't believe the junk that these things filter out! I don't think two is going to be enough, so I ordered a half box (25) from because that was the minimum. That's definitely more than I need, might have to give some to friends for Christmas :D
I've ran a 100 micron on my drain line for the last year, they're great! I change mine when it needs it, should do it more offten though. It ends up being about a week and a half before the water level in the sock rises.

The water enters my sump on the right, goes through the sock, goes under then over a baffel... hits the skimmer chamber (EuroReef) and then I redirected the output of the skimmer BACK into the filter sock. I was amazed on how much quicker the bag got dirty once I put the output of my skimmer over it!


I bought mine at marinedepot when I set my tank up
In a separate thread, I just learned of another good reason to use filter socks: you can gravel-vac without doing a water change simultaneously. Just run the siphon directly into the filter sock, which will catch all the gunk from the substrate.
using the filter socks catch a lot of pods, critters and much more beneficial elements for your corals. we like cristal clear water but our corals would maibe not. them like "dirty" water. they need to survive light for sure but also all the nutriences that you remove in the socks. + to maintain an ecosystem you need those detritus to settle on the sand bed to be process. it's food for the detritivores that produce food for the corals. it's a natural cycle. let your sand do this crutial job and don't worry about cristal water. it's not healthy.
I dont use a Sock, my Sump has the usual over under over configuration. Between the 1st over and under, I made a tray that covers the width of the tank and fits between the two baffles. In this tray I use filter material. I buy the stuff from Walmart $2 a bag (batting material). I load it up in the tray and pull it out in about 3 days. I do this a couple times per month. Easy and cheap. Yes it does catch some pods, it also catches a lot of Dirt.

I love it, and you are correct, the tank is a lot cleaner because of it.
I use two socks with the four-inch plastic rings, and keep the rings about an inch above the water surface. I try to change twice weekly. If i forget, those socks turn brown!!! terrific addition to my sump/refugium, i've definitely noticed a difference.
I am using nylon socks. They are much easier to clean by hand than the cloth ones. I am using either a 150 or 200 micron. I only have to rinse mine out weekly. If your using cloth, switch to nylon. You'll be happy you did.
where do you get the nylon ones? Mine are starting to wear out and I would like to look into the alternatives