First anemone

First off... Welcome to the hobby Mattheo.

IMO you have to look for the reason why your Nitrates are adding up. What kind of filter equipment are you using? Are you running a sump or HOB equipment? Skimmer?

From where are your getting your water? Did you use sand from an older tank? How about the rocks? Where did you get them?

Be careful doing those large water changes to your tank. Please remember to match salinity and temperature.
Welcome to the hobby Mattheo! The only suggestion I can provide, being that I started in this hobby just last September, is to be patient. Take your time, learn as much as you can, then research again and again - much that is published out there can be confusing and, for most newbies like us, do not make sense until you run into a problem.

I love this hobby more and more everyday... I love learning about all of that takes to keep it running, thriving, growing, alive, etc. I also appreciate the fact that there are many hobbyist out there willing to provide you with much support and guidance, provided you are asking the right questions.

So, be patient and don't go buying everything under the sun, because, even if your tank is cycled, you may not be ready. :-)

Just my humble opinion...

Cheers and Happy Reefing!
He's busy at work lol. Everything is acclimated ok as far as I know. He's added a few corals since adding the bta...Rastas, armagedons, sunny D's etc.