First BC 29

So.... I think I failed to rinse my purigen thoroughly after a recharge. Withing 48 hours my acan died and a few corals were not opening up very much. So with only doing 1 thing I thought it could only be that so I immediately did a 5g WC then next day another 5g. I have been watching it close and the corals seems to be doing better. :sad2:

test today results.
Mag 1400
Dkh 8.9
Alk 3.19
Calc 440
PH 7.9
rate .5

Why I get 2 number from my test kit for Alk and Dkh?

Not sure just how effective purigen is with my tank anyway, maybe I don't need chemi-pure or purigen. :sad1:
alkalinity = dkh. They're just different methods of measuring "hardness", "alkalinity", or "buffering capacity" of the water. Same difference, different set of scales for measurement, but same measurement.

They're both in sync with each other. It just depends on who you are talking to for which scale to use. I was going to say it's a European/US thing, but I think that they're technically both originally European scales, maybe Meq/L is a scientific vs. DKH being a laymen metric?

Sorry to hear about the troubles with the purigen recharge. I think most people just throw it away and buy it new again. I'd recharge it too, but I prefer to just not use it. I'm sure it's useful for some things, but I've never felt like I was missing it.
Hmmm, so what are you running all together now? I'm down to floss, skimmer and chemi-pure elite. I just started using reef complete and baking soda (1 TBLS per 4g) in the ATO. with 3 fish and feeding more the skimmer is on 24/7 and gets tea water with some chunks on the walls.
I'm running the same thing I've been running since I started the tank (with one minor addition, which I don't think makes a difference, and should probably remove):

Skimmer. Heater. Flow. No media, no chemical treatments other than vodka, bacteria, and food. On occasion I play with Prodibio or Zeo basic ingredients, but I think they're noise in an otherwise consistent system.

I don't think you're supposed to put either of those in your ATO. Generally you would only use kalkwasser powder (or pickling lime) in your ATO. 2 part need to be dosed separately or they don't work (they precipitate each other). Your skimmate sounds good, and sounds similar to what I'm pulling. It gets a bit darker with vodka + bacteria dosing.

I also have a marinepure bio block in my back sump, but I honestly don't think it's adding much if anything to the tank. I just haven't removed it because of the water displacement it will cause, and I haven't done a water change in a few months so I haven't had salt water to replace it. Maybe I'll do that this weekend.
wow no WC in months! I'm not that brave. I believe the baking soda is what brought up my alk it was low last week like 7.0 low. the complete i add in the WC bucket when mixing, i noticed the calc was droping even with WC so i just dose per the current calc is at. Not sure if that is proper but it works for me i guess. Thanks for the help!
You need to does calcium and alkalinity at the same rates (even if you see the rates different from each other, I'm finding that just dosing together works out fine).

The easiest way to do this, when you don't have a ton of corals growing, is to just use kalkwasser powder or pickling lime in your top off water.
So I've been looking at my tank and feeding today and was shocked to find my fire shrimp is missing his leg! He just molted 2 days ago, did it fall off?
I didn't even know I was pregnant.... Babby shroom! First coral to reproduce. The birdnest is growing fast to!


They look like pineapple sponges to me. If that's in fact what they are then they're just harmless filter feeders.
+1 on the pineapple sponge

+1 on the pineapple sponge

Certainly not aiptasia, anyway. I've got a bunch of 'em in the 30 and asked for an ID in another forum since I'd never seen any.
Wow they do look like them guys for sure, they came from no where to, the aiptasia is hiding under my birdsnest frag. I'm going to hit it with boiling water in a syringe then suck it out.
Glad you mentioned aiptasia

Glad you mentioned aiptasia

Was doing some feeding today and noticed a couple in the 30. Nuked them. They seemed to just 'appear' at around a quarter across the disc.

You should always clean new corals before dropping in your tank. For Aiptasia I always use Aiptasia-x by Red Sea. Theses weeds propagate like dandelions
9 Month update

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