first sps


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i just bought a nice 3" frag of green slimer and was just wondering if they are any things to look for if its health starts to decline for some reason. i have kept lps and what not but this is the first sps im trying so any tips would be nice. thanks everyone. jake, im a newbie on this site i was on aqualink. thanks ya'll

The slimer is a pretty easy SPS coral to keep, if there is such a thing. I would keep an eye out for good polyp extension and coloration. It should encrust to your rockwork within a couple of weeks also. I would plan on giving it plenty of light and good flow.
well im trying this in my nano. i have a 70 watt viper metal halide with s 14k bulb and an extra powerhead.
ya i know its kinda sick really. i am actually to the point of selling my xenia to a lfs and he tells me all the time that im addicted. i also have a pt job there when he needs help. its nice cause i also trade electrical work for store credit :rollface:
wait til you get boxes of retired equipment in your closets and then set up a second tank trying something new thinking this will be the last one then you see one more piece that will not fit in your tank and you buy it then realize once your stuff grows up a little more you will need more room and then you swindle money around to buy a bigger tank thinking this one will be it and I will be happy and move everything into it filling your boxes in the closet again with the stuff that isnt powerfull enough for the bigger tank so you add to the pile ........( All in ONE breath)

Should I go on?