Fish Blindness- Any cures?


New member
I have a green chromis in my tank that I am positive is nearly blind.

Bahavior: It stays at the top of the tank during the day and at dawn, dusk and nighttime it hovers around one of the seams of the tank with its pelvic fins out against the glass.

Feeding: Hand fed, cannot find food itself, unless it is slow moving on the surface

I can catch the fish in my hands, it runs into things sometimes

Nitrates are 0, alkalinity is a little low.

Is there any vitamins I could give it? I have Zoe on hand.

If I need to move it, I have a cycled tank ready, that has no other fish.

As long as the fish is still eating you could add a little Cod liver oil to its food for a little while to see if it responds. Sometimes the problem is dietary and the fish lack enough vitamin A. Don't use the oil all the time because you can overdose if you give it to them too long. I would start with a large water change using well aged and aerated saltwater. Sometimes fish appear to be blind when they are highly stressed or ill. Are the eyes clear or cloudy?

Terry B