fish combatiblity

Chef Reef

In Memoriam
looking into a stocklist for my 75 gal. im only missing a few more pieces of equipment till i start it up. so i sat down and came up with this. im iffy about it and have some questions.

First here is what i have that will switch over to the 75:

- Zebra dart goby
- Fire red cardnal
- 2 cucumbers
- 2 Emrald crabs
- few snails and hermits

Heres what i would like to add:

[One of these 3]
- Sargassum triggerfish
- Pinktail Triggerfish
- Niger Trigerfish

[One of the 2]
- Sharknose Goby
- Neon Goby

- Magnificent Foxface
- Yellowtail Fang Blenny
- 1 Pair of Onyx Perculas
- Blackfoot Lionfish

(Possible list if room)
- Singapore angel
- School of Green Chromis <---- Ehh.. not sure about the.
- Leopard Wrasse <--- Most likely not..

The triggerfish above, i'v read are the safest for Reef systems and usually the least aggressive towards inverts and other fish.
The only ones im kinda worried about are the gobys becuase they are alot smaller and less aggressive then the rest of the list.
Also id like to find a RBTA For the clowns as well and hopefully it will host them.

Anybody see some other problems besides the gobys?
I would definitely add the gobies in first and let them get settled in before adding the more aggressive fish.

Although Blackfoot Lionfish stay pretty small (if memory serves me correctly), you would be amazed at how big their mouths are, and I would definitely worry about the gobies if you do put him in there.

I also think that the pinktail trigger is by far the best choice. Definitely the most mellow of the three you listed, and less likely to pick at the lionfish's fins. Trigger definitely should go in last.

Hope this helps!

in a 75 gal tank, I would stay away from triggers, they grow too big and they a voracious eaters to the point that you will find feeding your tank twice as much because the trigger alone will eat all your food, this will put a big bio load in a new tank.
Stay away from the leopard wrasse until the tank has mature enough (IMO 1 year), this fishes are sometimes picky eaters the one that are not and eat prepared foods also rely on a pod population to supplement their diet needs.
Chromis, gobies and Percula clowfishes are your best choices.
ya thats why i was staying away from the leopard wrasse, i didnt know that if they ate prepared food they ALSO needed a pod pop. thanks for that info.
So the trigger should be a no even with a heavy skimming? if no one the trigger what other "big" fish could i add? i was leaning away from most tangs, for one the size of the tank and for two the ich problem most have. the only tangs i like are to big for my tank :/

TorryRx -
ya i heard the pink was the mellowist out of them all but i was thinking the Sargassum was. only problem with them i havent seen them around in stores :/
The problems with the triggers selected, are that Sargassums and Pinktails general come in fairly large 5"+. They are both peaceful, the Sarg esp, but at size they need a bit more room. Also, Pinktails have been reported to eat smaller fish (up to an Anthias!!). Finding tiny Nigers is easy as pie, but they get bolder/more aggressive with age.

What about this list, which isn't exactly an 'empty tank'

- Zebra dart goby
- Fire red cardnal
- Neon Goby
- Magnificent Foxface
- Yellowtail Fang Blenny
- 1 Pair of Onyx Perculas
- Singapore angel
- Radiant Wrasse
- 2 Chromis
I like that list, but the blackfoot lion is almost a must have for me. I'm not too worried about it eating the smaller fish becuase i have had dwarf species before that wouldnt eat anything but chopped frozen silversides, but alas there is always that chance. I'm also not to familar with that wrasse, but from what i'v just looked up i like it, except the jumping part. (I have an open top). Have you had any experiance with this wrasse?
No personal experience with the radiant, was considering/researched a tad for my 125gal before changing plans. Yea, they're a wrasse so jumping is always a consideration. They are beautiful wrasses though that stays somewhat smaller then similar wrasses.

Just a quick rev. Is there going to be corals? Specifically meaty LPS (frogspawn, brains, etc)? I would omit the foxface which frees up the blackfoot.

- Zebra dart goby
- Fire red cardnal
- Neon Goby
- Yellowtail Fang Blenny
- Blackfoot Lionfish
- Singapore angel
- Radiant Wrasse
you can get a small saragassum fish on the beach on a day when there is a lot of floating saragassum. scoop up the whole blob of floating saragassum and shake and you will usually find one with some persistence
ya they're will be corals, im gonna try and keep some of everything, LPS, SPS, Shrroms, zoas, rics, very little softies if at all.

Jessp- what do you mean floating saragassum? is it a plant or something? iv never heard of it before.
yes saragassum is a type of plant that detaches from rocks and floats into shore in florida. when you see seaweed down at the beach 90% of the time it is saragassum grass. the fish are found in the floating clumps of saragassum hence the name.
ahh i see. learn somehing new everday. thanks for the info. i take it youve found them before like this? would be much cheaper this way then go buy one in a store for $200 bucks..
if you see a store selling saragassum fish for 200 bucks slap em in the face lol. they are usually sold for like 20 bucks
well at least the information was still right. they both like to float in saragassum. he's kinda cool looking.. kinda..