fish combatiblity

hey chef you can do the fox w the corals, I have done it before in my 28g and now that fox is doing great in Seans 120g w plenty of corals. I agree w every one else,I would stay away from the triggers, as appealing as they are. Also beore you put the mithrax in the 75, I would consider removing them, I caught those boogers picking their lunch away w my corals, just a heads up!!
so far he's stayed away from em but he has grown ALOT since i got him. about 1.5 times his size. he was for a little bubble algea i got outta no where. he ate that up and has been just picking up pieces of fish food. i'll keep an eye on him though. i'll skip the trigger's untill i got a larger tank. Would a 125 or 150 be large enough? i wouldn't want anything much larger then that for a long time.