Fish Compatibility


Premium Member
We're debating tearing down the 10g Nano. It's been neglected for so long that we don't like anything but the fish in it.

We're wondering if the Pajama Cardinal and a tiny Watchman Goby will get along with the inhabitants of the AGA92 which include the following:
- A mated pair of Tomato Clowns
- A Foxface
- A Power Brown Tang
- A large Watchman Goby
- Three Blue Chromis
- A Green Mandarin

I think the Pajama Cardinal will be fine but am worried about the tiny Watchman Goby.

Any thoughts?

Personally I would try to find the smaller watchman goby a new home. The large watchman will probably harass it.
It might work out especially if its alot smaller, and can hide places where the other cant find it. Although if their anything like my watchman they probably wont stray to far from their desiganted cave.