Fish haven't eaten for a week and a half.

There is a picture of the coral beauty about 16 comments back. There are also pictures of my goby 2 comments back. I'll try to get a video posted soon. Here's the pictures again.


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You can see the dent in the gobies stomach from this angle.(picture at the bottom)

The coral beauty seems to be swimming fine now but she doesn't swim weird all the time. Sometimes I'll go in my room and she is real twitchy in the way she moves, and will occasionally tilt her body to the side and flutters her tail fin and side fin. I am just trying to figure out what's wrong. They are on the last day of the 2nd prazi treatment so they should be fluke free. Do you think it's ich or I'm just paranoid? Like I said, no rubbing on the pvc anymore from what I can tell. Maybe he will brush up on the pvc while swimming every once in a while but I think it is more of an accidental thing. Before, he would repetitively rub his right gill. That hasn't happened since the prazi treatment.


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If he is wild caught, have you tried live brine shrimp?

Last night he decided to actually eat after 3 weeks of starving himself. He is very skinny to the point you can see his spine but he devoured a bunch of mysis last night and the indent in his stomach isn't there since he is now full of food lol. He still isn't out of the red zone though just because of how skinny he is but I have hope. Do you have any idea what's up with the behavior with the coral beauty? When he tilts his body and flutters his left fin and tail it really puzzles me. It's almost like he becomes paralyzed for a few seconds and can only move those fins. I doubt he is actually paralyzed lol but it looks weird. I would try to get a video but it's hard to catch him doing it since it's not often. Other than that he seems healthy and is eating other than spastic movements every once in a while but that may be from stress. Can somebody please just give me input on what they think it may be? They are done with the 2 prazi doses so they are fluke free I'd assume. I'm going to observe for 2 or 3 more weeks. If the odd swimming is all I observe, I'm probably going to put the 2 fish into my dt. Just wanted to hear your guys 2 cents on what you would do.
I also saw the goby poop. At first it looked normal but then a yellowish brown string came out. Does this mean he still has an internal parasite? I figured two doses of prazi would take care of that. Or maybe it just looks weird since it's the first time he has eaten in a long time. What do you guys think?
Even though Noone is responding, I guess Ill keep posting updates/questions. Wow... I just witnessed my goby bite my coral beauty and whip him around till the angel got loose. I guess now that he is eating, he wants to be greedy and eat a whole fish lol. Is this a normal thing for gobies? I am now very hesitant to add him to my tank and I am also tempted to make another qt for the angel to get him away from the goby.
Sounds like territorial behaviour.

I would separate them for remainder of Qt and hunt down some ocean nutrition angel formula or their awesome variety pack.

Also if I felt like lack of space and stress were hindering qting process I would pick the one that's doing best and put him in Display ( continuing prazi in dt)
But not seeing your fish makes it hard to give proper advice... which is probably why you didn't get much feedback above [emoji1369].

Hope they pull through.

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Sounds like territorial behaviour.

But not seeing your fish makes it hard to give proper advice... which is probably why you didn't get much feedback above [emoji1369].

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Do the pictures not show up? When I say "here's a picture" or "pictures at the bottom" it's because I attatch a picture to my comment. It shows up for me but maybe not for everyone else. Since the second prazi treatment is done, I might just wait 2 more days to be a little more safe that he's healthy then possibly add him to my dt or make him his own qt.
Hopefully that link works. The goby isn't as skinny as he is in that picture because he is now eating but I am still worried about the stringy poo. Both the coral beauty and goby have it but not all of the time. The angels is brown where as the gobies is yellowish brown. Is this normal since they have been eating a lot of mysis lately or do they have worms? If so what would you recommend to treat with because I already did 2 rounds of prazi.
I just watched them very closely for about 20 mins. The goby still had the indent in his stomach. Last night I could of sworn it wasn't there anymore. So I guess maybe his stomach might be too shrunken in to make a comeback.
Here's a video of him I took 5 minutes ago.
You can see him flash and near the end he kind of does the odd flutter with his fins. Just a reminder, this is after 2 rounds of prazi pro, and there haven't been any visual signs of any parasites. Just this gill rubbing which seems like it usually occurs later in the day. From seeing this video, what would you guys do if you were in my position. Please give me some feedback. I really don't know if I should treat for ich or what. He eats like a pig. Please, any suggestions?
OK well I dropped the salinity down 1.008. Is this ok to do instead of 1.009? The fish seem a little stressed and the goby is breathing heavy. My refractometer is calibrated with rodi. I read that it is better to use calibration fluid for higher sg, but for hypo it it better to calibrate with rodi. Is this true? My reason for having the sg at 1.008(really right in between 1.008 and 1.009) is so that when I am at work, the water doesn't evaporate and cause the water to go over 1.009. Will the fish be OK at this level or should I bring it up to 1.009 exactly?
Lol Thanks for the help guys. I really appreciate it. The ph is at 7.6 in hypo. I am thinking about raising it but a lot of people say not to worry about it. I'm going to leave it as is unless one of you guys tells me otherwise. The cb has stopped eating.
The coral beauty appears to be flashing...if I see a fish flashing, I wouldn't add them to the DT. I would try another round of prazi. If the goby is eating but his stomach is still indented internal parasites could be the reason he's not gaining wait.

Other than the flashing - the coral beauty looks good (weight wise). Given the flashing - I would put them through TTM, the lower salinity will also be good - but I always default to tank transfer for a preventative treatment of ich.
As far as not eating - I've purchased fish that have slowly died in QT and refuse to eat - if you've thrown the book at them food wise - there's only so much you can do. I would not worry about PH. I don't know about the exact levels for hypo salinity.
As far as not eating - I've purchased fish that have slowly died in QT and refuse to eat - if you've thrown the book at them food wise - there's only so much you can do. I would not worry about PH. I don't know about the exact levels for hypo salinity.
Thank you so much for the reply. The coral beauty has been eating like a pig for the past couple of weeks but yesterday I dropped the sg to 1.008 and he stopped eating. He sucks in the food but spits it right out. I brought the sg down over 24 hrs. I am not too worried yet since he may still be getting used to the new sg. The fact that he is trying to eat and doesn't swallow concerns me though. I haven't seen any visible ich spots, only him rubbing his gills. So maybe the ich in his gills is preventing him from swallowing? He may just need more time though. I'll try to feed him when I get home and I'll give you an update. Thanks for the tip on the ph, I won't worry about it.
The coral beauty appears to be flashing...if I see a fish flashing, I wouldn't add them to the DT. I would try another round of prazi. If the goby is eating but his stomach is still indented internal parasites could be the reason he's not gaining wait.

Other than the flashing - the coral beauty looks good (weight wise). Given the flashing - I would put them through TTM, the lower salinity will also be good - but I always default to tank transfer for a preventative treatment of ich.

The goby has been slowly gaining weight so I think he is fine as far as internal parasites go. I did do a 3rd dose of prazi to be safe and the angels flashing continued, so I am almost certain it's ich. I would do the ttm but I literally just got layed off today due to the company being sold so I don't have the money for all the equipment I would need until I find another job sadly. I plan on keeping them in hypo for 5 weeks and then slowly raise the sg over the course of a week. I just don't understand why the angel hasn't showed any visible signs of ich. I have been watching them in qt at 1.019 for 4 and a half weeks and haven't seen a single spot. Since ich only attaches to a fish for 3-7 days then drops and multiplies, wouldn't the fish have showed at least one spot? I understand that ich can reside in the gills but I find it odd that the ich got in his gills but nowhere else in his body over the course of 5 weeks.
While it does seem unusual I wouldn't rule out ich since you haven't seen it. If your fish is healthy enough - it may have some resistance and have a good enough immune system to fight it off. Your best option right now is to keep up with hypo and hope for the best. Ich does reside in the gills - so the flashing favoring the gills seems reasonable. Also - the severity of the infection can vary - fish can be completely covered and others can not show visible signs.

Given the issues with eating, I would advise against copper as it can cause fish to stop eating. Some people swear by garlic in that it helps boost fishes feeding response and helps boost the immune system. So you could try that as well.

Good luck!
Also - while frustrating, it's good you are QT'ing. Personal experience - I've rushed things and ended up with multiple sick/dying fish because of not making sure my fish were healthy before going into the DT.

So - keep up the good work!