Fish haven't eaten for a week and a half.

My first priority on quarantine would be to get the fish eating well. Without nutrition we can't expect y heir immune systems to help fight off disease. If there are no signs of disease, why treat instead of observe (coral beauty)? When everybody has recovered from shipping stress, then I would consider prophylactic parasiticides
Personal experience - I've rushed things and ended up with multiple sick/dying fish because of not making sure my fish were healthy before going into the DT.

So - keep up the good work!

Thanks I appreciate it. I plan on getting a purple tang eventually so I want to make sure my tank is ich free when I get him. I make sure the fish are healthy before going in. I'll keep these guys in hypo for anothereef 5-6 weeks. The angel ate tonight so I think he was just stressed from the sg change. Although I did notice him stretching his gills, fins and mouth a few minutes ago. Could that be from the hypo or low ph? My nitrates are also high 50+. I am about to do a 3 gallon water change. I know 3 gallons isn't much but I need to make more rodi which takes a while haha.
My first priority on quarantine would be to get the fish eating well. Without nutrition we can't expect y heir immune systems to help fight off disease. If there are no signs of disease, why treat instead of observe (coral beauty)? When everybody has recovered from shipping stress, then I would consider prophylactic parasiticides

The fish have been eating for a few weeks now and they are well recovered from shipping. The coral beauty is showing sings of ich such as scratching his gills against the pvc so that's why I have them in hypo now. I was thinking of doing hypo from the start but the fish looked so healthy that I didn't. Turns out if I did i could've cut their qt time in half.
Awesome work with the QT but I just read that you wanted to introduce a purple tang in the future to your 75gallon.
I would not do this.
Awesome work with the QT but I just read that you wanted to introduce a purple tang in the future to your 75gallon.
I would not do this.

Its actually a 90 gallon. It was sold to me as a 75 but then I looked up the dimensions and it is a 90. 48x18x25. I understand that a 90 isn't the optimum environment for a purple tang, but I have done plenty of researich and they can definitely be happy in a 90g especially given the fact that I plan on lightly stocking this tank. The coral beauty, 2 clowns, the tang and the goby are all i plan on having. Eventually I am getting a 300g. That may be a couple years down the road though. Worst case scenario I will give him to my friend when he needs more space, but chances are he will be fine in my tank. I believe that a pb tang or a hippo wouldn't do good but they are much more active fish as they are Acanthurus, not zebrasoma which are grazers.

As far as my fish go, the quarantine was reading .25 ammonia this morning. I am currently out doing something so will the fish be fine at that level for another 10 hours before I can do a water change? They ate so they didn't seem too stressed. I am just worried that the little guys are gonna be dead when I get home.
Well the ammonia is up to 0.5- 1.0. I just did a 50% wc and the ammonia level didn't budge. Keep in mind this is a cycled qt and from my understanding hypo doesn't kill the bacteria. Did I possibly shift the sg too quick? I'm not sure how I am going to get these fish through 5 weeks of hypo if the ammonia is going to be this high. They don't seem stressed at all but I doubt that will last for long so I have more sw mixing as I type.