Fish list for a 65 gal.


OK here it is...

I have a 65 gal up and running with 75 lbs of live fiji rock from premium aquatics( they are awesome I may add). 60lbs of live sand in main tank and I have a 25 gallon sump/ fuge with 20 lbs of live sand and rubble from the fiji. I want to eventually turn it into a reef tank.
I also have a coralife super skimmer, 2 1200 maxi jets.

with all of that said this is my wish list....(tell me if it is too much and if I can add more)...

2- Percula Clowns
3-4 -green chromis
1- pink& blue shrimp goby
1- Pistol Shrimp - Bullseye

and thats it for now besides the usual clean up crew