Fish to avoid with Zoas

650 is 100% correct. In fact, I don't believe that ANY TANG is safe with Zoanthids. Yep, true that and I'll stand behind it till the day my tank freezes over. I wish I can find the link, but I'm not on my own PC, but there are entire reefing communities overseas who won't go near a Tang if they have polyps. You may have Tangs who are co existing with zoas and swim right by them for days, months and years, but they are not 100% reliable to remain that way. I have personally, I mean in my own tank years ago, watched in horror as a Hippo ( Blue Tang ), and even a supposed reef safe Kole Tang mow down a rock one polyp at a time. I had a nice 3 inch Yellow Tang who was a perfect tankmate for years, but one day he swam by and looked at my red zoas and snapped one off.

I too know alot of reefers, some who have some of the most stunning tanks out there, and yes, they have Tangs, but I would never ever trust putting one in a tank full of zoas especially with what's being charged for those polyps today. I agree also that angels and foxfaces are a big mistake.

Check out this link.

Just my 2 cents and no one has to except it.

Mucho Reef

Thank you for that. I had a powder brown tang in my plan, and I just removed it. Anthias should be enough pretty fish for me. I added your post to my personal "FAQ" I've been compiling.
anyone try a trigger fish???i have seen some in peoples reef tanks and i know they eat shrimp but will they pick at coral?

I have a bluejaw with all my corals...along with cleaner shrimp, pair of banded coral shrimp, and fire shrimp. I have had them for about 1+ years now together.