Fish to avoid with Zoas

I made the mistake of adding a rabbit fish (Siganus corallinus) to the a months time i started to see zoanthids go missing in chunks. I watched the tank and saw the regal tang that was a model citizen for 2-3 years munching on my gems...i planned to give him a chance since i had it from tiny...thats when i spotted the rabbit fish mowing down some pink i decided to lose the rabbitfish. I came back from work and while making a trap i saw the sailfin ripping apart a colony...i thought maybe i wasnt feeding enough...but these fish were all i fed nori daily and they ate that and then went about to munching down the zoas...I eventually got the regal and the rabbitfish out after some serious effort to trap the regal...the sailfin stopped nipping but if he finds a colony not doing good he'll munch on it. If i seem him pick on a healthy colony he's going too...
i have only 2 fish in my reef tank.6 line and a lawnmower blenny.both do a good job and mess with my coral.i did loose a coral last was a single poylp frag and one of the hermits must have nocked it off the glue.oh well
lbaldrey, good stuff you shared. Thanks mate.

Thanks mucho...on a side note..some years ago your TOTM(and Archie Luz tank) got me addicted to zoanthid tanks and my reef has been Zoa dominated since :)

Something I wanted to add but forgot...If theres a fish eating coral, get them out immediately...the other fish seem to learn / pick up the bad habit really fast.

The only fish Ive had that never bothered anything were Flame & Flasher wrasses, Banggai's, Yellow watchman goby's and Anthias...none of them are "grazer's"
That's a great addiction, well.....kinda, LOL. I don't mind being blammed for that kind of addiction, LOL.

Good point on getting the fish out. I never thought about it that way before, patterned behavior by other fish.

Just got back from work and found the sailfin munching on a small dropped it and horror of horrors my week old foxface picked it up and started munching it...

Monkey see...Monkey Do....Theyre coming out of the tank....
I went the same route, wanted a fish only tank, but with a couple months I could not help myself, had to put something in there to add some color etc. So far I have not lost any coral to fish, and I have at least 4 in there that are listed as not reef safe. I also over feed that tank, so who knows :)
What about pygmy angels? I know everyone says to avoid angels, but are we talking large or dwarf? I'm about to go zoa crazy in my new 29, and was planning to put a pygmy in there (always wanted one).
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I say no to angels, period. A Pygmy is an active fish, nipping, eating etc. Many reported cases of zoas nipping. Google it and see it, but I would say no.

Mucho Reef
consider a 50-150 fish and what it can do to a collection of Z's and P's in a matter of hours while your at work or out somewhere... wonder how much damage or potential damage one can do to $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ worth of Z's and P's. Is it worth it to gamble ?
Decided to ditch the angel and add... a T. crocea! Right at the top of the tank since I won't be running halides. I'd call it even.

Anybody know if zoos will irritate a clam? I love the look of polyps growing on the sides of Tridacnid shells. They'd be a small zoa variety of course (don't want to shade that clam).
At the end of the day any type of fish can turn... I once had a golden puffer who never touched my zoa garden or my CUC... i must of gotten lucky. (knocks on wood) :beer:
Yes sir, more to come.

These types of threads are vital for newbies as well as older reefers who might not have known. You decide if you want to add these fished with a tank full of polyps.