

New member
Hi all, looking to complete the fish numbers in my tank and want some advice please. Below is my current setup and stock list. I have asked Lfs to get me 3 wrasse fish, guy says he can mix up any of the Indonesia types so going to get me 3 nice ones. I'm also getting a coral beauty eventually. Just wondering in your opinions does that fill the tank? Other options please? Are there any larger fish out there that could go nicely in there? What about a full angel rather than the dwarf coral beauty? I hope you guys can give me some pointers.
Thank you

300l (80g) juwel rio
40kg sand
40kg live rock
Deltec mce 600 skimmer
1000lph filter pump
Filter floss
2 x 2800 lph circulation pumps (fluval sea 3, hydor koralia 3200)
1x hydor koralia 900 pump

1 black sailfin blenny
1 one spot Foxface
2 percula clowns (pair)
1 Squaretail Bristletooth Tang (Indian kole)
1 long nose Hawk fish

1 strawberry conch
3 nassarius snails

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For an 80 gallon I would say you're pretty set on "larger" fish. If it were me, I'd stick with adding the coral beauty and maybe a wrasse or two and be done with it. But be careful with the wrasses, depending on type could cause some issues with hawkfish or blenny. I'm not an expert in wrasses but just minor things I've seen come up.
For an 80 gallon I would say you're pretty set on "larger" fish. If it were me, I'd stick with adding the coral beauty and maybe a wrasse or two and be done with it. But be careful with the wrasses, depending on type could cause some issues with hawkfish or blenny. I'm not an expert in wrasses but just minor things I've seen come up.
That's the way I originally was heading with the tank, get 2 wrasse then a coral beauty and that's it for fish. Might start slowly incorporating more soft corals, I like my mushrooms on the bottom so may get more of them. As much as I liked the lps corals I had in my small tank I'm just going to enjoy my fish for a while, maybe add a cleaner shrimp or two, hawkfish doesn't seem to bother with the shrimp in my tank already, indeed 2 tiny sexy shrimp are doing quite nicely lol.
Thank you for your reply.

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This aquarium looks spacious that I feel like it needs more fish.

It's spacious now, but when the Foxface is 8+ inches, the Tang is 6+, and you throw in a coral beauty, it's actually not much at all. The unfortunate part of having fish who get large.

But yeah, that seems like a good plan to have the 2 wrasses and coral beauty. Should be good to go then. And definitely look at getting some corals in there too! Careful with the CB as sometimes it can nip, but may as well add some easy coral and enjoy it all.
I would add a wrasse and wait for a month or two to see what happens and let your bacteria play catch up. Too many leads to many issues....
I would add a wrasse and wait for a month or two to see what happens and let your bacteria play catch up. Too many leads to many issues....
Picked up a pair (male and female) carpenters wrasse today. Going to wait a few weeks now until coral beauty.

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Wrasses start life as females. Dominate ones mature and turn male. In captivity, they all eventually turn male. Similar to anthias, sort of.
INteresting so to breed wrasses you'd have to always get a juevenile and keep replacing the juevenile. Good to know thanks.
I'm also getting a coral beauty eventually.

You're gonna love it! I have one. She's great!

What about a full angel rather than the dwarf coral beauty?

....NOPE. NOT in an 80 Gal!! WAAAY too small!

Other options please?

How about a Basslett or a Dottyback? Or a small school (3-4) of those yellow tail damsels??
Just a heads up - that Fox Face is gonna to get HUGE!!!
As for Tangs are concerned - that Kole Tang would be as large as I'd go. And JUST ONE. DON'T get ANY other Tangs!!
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