New member
Hi all, so I'm considering a final fish for the tsnk and considering a yellow tang. Lfs are having 3 inch fish in this week at around £70. My tank is 300l (80) gallon. Probably on the edge of suitability. I don't really want the tang police to get me. I do understand that I may have to rehome if it gets too big.
My current stocklist and equipment below. Your honest opinion welcome.
300l (80g) tank
36 kg crushed coral and aragonite substrate
40kg live rock
Deltec mce601 skimmer
1000lph filter pump
Filter floss
1 2800 lph pump,( hydor koralia 3200)
1 x fluval sea cp4 {5200 lph)
1 algae blenny
1 kole tang
1 Royal gramma
1 adorned wrasse
1 One spot foxface
1 coral beauty
1 zebra dwarf lionfish
1 pair clown fish
1 strawberry conch
4 nassarius snails
4 small red legged hermits
1 tube anemone
1 boxer shrimp
6 trochus snails
2 astrea snails
1 cleaner shrimp
Sent from my CLT-L09 using Tapatalk
My current stocklist and equipment below. Your honest opinion welcome.
300l (80g) tank
36 kg crushed coral and aragonite substrate
40kg live rock
Deltec mce601 skimmer
1000lph filter pump
Filter floss
1 2800 lph pump,( hydor koralia 3200)
1 x fluval sea cp4 {5200 lph)
1 algae blenny
1 kole tang
1 Royal gramma
1 adorned wrasse
1 One spot foxface
1 coral beauty
1 zebra dwarf lionfish
1 pair clown fish
1 strawberry conch
4 nassarius snails
4 small red legged hermits
1 tube anemone
1 boxer shrimp
6 trochus snails
2 astrea snails
1 cleaner shrimp

Sent from my CLT-L09 using Tapatalk