Fishing August 11th


Premium Member
First off, I'm back in town and five weeks was a bit too long to be away! Tanks are doing great, but I can tell they were a little hot; there was some bleaching, but not too much. I've been out snorkeling everyday, so let me know if anybody's going out and needs a second person.

I'm going tuna fishing on Friday the 11th and was just told there's an extra spot on the boat if someone wants to come. We'll be leaving out of Ken Port at 0400 on Friday morning and won't be back until 1600 that evening. The trip costs 10400 yen. The tuna fishing is really good right now. If you don't have any fishing gear, Jeff and I might be able to help you out. Let me know ASAP!
I don't know I haven't ever gone with this guy before. I would assume he does. If you’re interested I'll find out for you!
I was curious more than anything. I would love to go but i work that friday. If it was saturday I would be there. Catching tuna is an experience one does not forget.