Flameback Angel locally


DVM in training
i just wanted to let you guys know that i am on the lookout for a healthy flameback angel locally... they look a lot like the cherub but the orange goes all the way back from the mouth along the spine to the tail...

they have one in a display at Aquarium Concepts near me and its beautiful but it would be a BEAST to get it out of there with all the hiding places they have there and the guy just laughed when i offered to pay him for his troubles...

if anyone sees one can they give me the heads up, id be willing to drive as far north as hollywood/pembrook pines...
Rob had one for about a month at while at Exotic Aqutic off of Oakland. Not sure if its still there or not...I'd have to check one day this week and will let you know
OOOOOOh OOOOh how much? where is it exactly? can he put it on hold if i ask him to? i probably cant go until monday at the soonest...
THEY SOLD IT YESTERDAY!!! what are the odds, for real?!?! i called and they said they would look out for one for me, here's hoping..
No luck on this... rob from exotic never called me back which probably means he didnt find one... my fiance didnt like the way they look anyway...

bought a nice half black angel today at a store in miami... it ate some brine while at the store so i know its eating a little bit of something, im gonna pick it up some nori tomorrow and it looked like it grabbed a mysis or two when i fed the tank this evening...

hes really pretty and has bright orange around his eyes and fins and the bright blue outline around the black part of the tail...

heres hoping...
id love it but the tank isnt big enough for two, and i guess i am a little impatient..... i upgraded the tank SPECIFICALLY because i wanted to get an angel... put off telling him no until my fiance sees the half black because if she hates it ill have to return it...

hell i might even buy the flameback and keep it in my 45 gallon sump... idk, well see...