I have a 223gal RR tank sitting in my garage that I got for free last year (YAHOO). Anyway, I would like to set up this tank on my main level because it is physically impossible to get it into the basement. My concern is with the strength of the joists. According to my calculations the weight of the entire system (minus the sump which will be plumbed in the basment) is approximately equal to just the water weight of a queen size water bed. My point is that I know the floor will support the water bed so if my tank spans the same number of joists as the water bed and is up against a load bearing wall where the end of the joists will be supported by concrete, will I need to reinforce the joists in the basement or not? Here are my numbers:
Queen size water bed (water only): 2932 pounds
Tank, stand, 4" sandbed, LR, and water: 2934 pounds
What are some of your opinions on the matter?
I am only using the waterbed for an example because we used to have one (thank goodness it is gone!!)
Queen size water bed (water only): 2932 pounds
Tank, stand, 4" sandbed, LR, and water: 2934 pounds
What are some of your opinions on the matter?
I am only using the waterbed for an example because we used to have one (thank goodness it is gone!!)