Florida Keys snorkeling locations

My wife says "Thanks." She started with some plants and then we did some serious butterfly gardening. Now we have butterflies buzzing around like this was O'Hare Airport at rush hour! Then it was bromeliads, and then tillandsias (air plants) and now it's orchids.

And I sell corals to club members and on Craigslist, she gives away cuttings as much as she can or else they get thrown away! We have about 10 or 12 volunteer Bismark Palm trees (new starts that are just 8"-12" tall) that cost good money at the nursery. And lots of bromeliad pups (she has between 30 and 40 different species growing in the yard). And cactus cuttings, and... well, you get the idea.

If you ever want to drive down and take home a load of plants, just let me know! And yes, we are about an hour south of Venice, just west of Fort Myers. And I'm serious about giving away plants!

Here are 3 freshly hatched Zebra Longwing butterflies. They like shady areas and last year was the first time in 15 years we had any in our yard. Now we see them fairly regularly along with 6 to 8 other species.

And this is not an ordinary pineapple. It's about 4/5ths the size of a dole, more red outside, almost white inside and just enough more tart than a 'normal' pineapple to make it interestingly different.

OK, back to discussion of the Keys (sorry about the side track).
What's a cost effective bungalow or motel for a night by this Bahia Honda ?

Or you can throw up a tent in Bahia Honda for only $49 :)

Right now is the slow season so this will be the cheapest for motel/hotels/vacation rentals. It gets pricey from the end of October for the festivals and throughout the winter. And of course during the summer as well.
Ron, I have a place in the keys that badly needs some of the stuff your wife is growing. Particularly the Bismarck has been on my wish list. How can I reach you. Can you PM me?
Went to Bahia Honda on Sunday just for one night. Unfortunately it was very murky and a storm hit us like at 7:30pm. It was definitely an event though and had fun with my friends before I get married this upcoming weekend.
The tent site I reserved was great! Definitely a must in the future, just need to plan it for a better time in the year. Don't think the future wife would like being in a tent during a storm.
Ron, I have a place in the keys that badly needs some of the stuff your wife is growing. Particularly the Bismarck has been on my wish list. How can I reach you. Can you PM me?

You might want to try PM'ing him on our local reef clubs website: www.swfmas.com/forum

A) I was at Daytona Speedway all last week doing a photo shoot of the SCCA National Sports Car Championships. I'm back home and just getting caught up with everything. I should be around for the next few weeks.

B) I'm on probation here, mods just won't cut me a break as it's been 2 years! So I can't PM or access you profile info.

C) As icy1155 said, go to SWFMAS.com, register and then you can PM me or just start a thread, Ron Reefman (same as here).

We have lots of plants, wife has potted a few Bismark Palms and we have more volunteers we can try potting. I'll be heading down to the Keys early the first week in November. We could meet then?

I'm a Miata fan, but the Acura in 3rd is a friend of mine from Ohio and he ended up winning the race on the last lap!

G Sanab922, glad to hear you had a good time with friends at Bahia Honda. We've never camped there, but we are considering camping for a night at the Dry Tortugas before the rainy season starts up next May/June. We want to go when there is a new moon so we have as dark a sky as we can get. That would make for better viewing of the Milky Way stretched out across the entire sky.

And congratulations on getting married! I'm a big fan of marriage... I've done it 3 times! But then I'm my wife's 3rd husband as well. We met in 2000, dated for 4 years and have been married for over 10. They say the 3rd time is the charm, we've been together for 15 years in total now and we still haven't had a single argument. Not bad for 2 people who have 4 divorces between them! My advise is, "Don't sweat the small stuff, be very willing to compromise on the big stuff and let her know you love her EVERYDAY!" Best of luck to both of you! :beer:
G Sanab922, glad to hear you had a good time with friends at Bahia Honda. We've never camped there, but we are considering camping for a night at the Dry Tortugas before the rainy season starts up next May/June. We want to go when there is a new moon so we have as dark a sky as we can get. That would make for better viewing of the Milky Way stretched out across the entire sky.

And congratulations on getting married! I'm a big fan of marriage... I've done it 3 times! But then I'm my wife's 3rd husband as well. We met in 2000, dated for 4 years and have been married for over 10. They say the 3rd time is the charm, we've been together for 15 years in total now and we still haven't had a single argument. Not bad for 2 people who have 4 divorces between them! My advise is, "Don't sweat the small stuff, be very willing to compromise on the big stuff and let her know you love her EVERYDAY!" Best of luck to both of you! :beer:

Dry Tortugas during a new moon is very nice. Definitely get some great shots of the milky way. Just be careful, if you sleep on the fort, there is a croc that lives there lol.. Would definitely love to see those pics.

Thanks Ron and i appreciate the advice. Like they say, "Happy Wife, Happy Life". For sure alot of compromises, when i get my fish room she can get her room full of shoes :lolspin: :fun2: :p ;)

Bahia Honda sunrise time lapse, short and sweet. This was after the storm and another one was coming in.

Heading to the Keys on Monday. It looks like it's going to be a bit more windy than I would like, but we'll play do our best to work around the wind and possible visibility issues.

Hoping to meet up with AWL (post #87) on Tuesday.

We'll post some pics and thoughts while we are there.
Anyone snorkel at fort zachary taylor? I will be taking a cruise into key west this week and am thinking about trying some snorkeling there
Anyone snorkel at fort zachary taylor? I will be taking a cruise into key west this week and am thinking about trying some snorkeling there

When we were there the water was incredibly clear, but the wind was very calm. It's well worth doing. Somewhere online we found a map of coral heads around the fort. But even if you just do the old coal dock pilings, it's good... and right off the beach!

We were there for the day and snorkeling was our main objective. But the fort is so cool, I want to go back and have more time (hard to do as you have to live by the charter boat schedule).

So we plan to do an over night camping trip next Spring (as close to a new moon as we can get). The other advantage (if we get a clear night) is a chance to see the Milky Way from as far south in the US as we can get. Being 70+ miles from the nearest lights is a real help for star gazing as well! And doing it early in the spring means getting to see some constellations to the south that we don't normally get to see in the US.

Pics from that trip:

I believe where you went is called dry tortugas? That is about 40 miles out and need a boat to get to correct? Would love to go there as I heard that is the spot to go, but a 2.5 hour trip each way is too much for what my time permits

I was looking at fort zachary taylor which is right off of the cruise pier
My bad, I was in a rush. My eyes saw Fort and my brain went Dry Tortugas (Fort Jefferson). Sorry.

We arrived in the Keys yesterday (Fri afternoon) and the wind wasn't too bad. We have our fingers crossed for Tues and Wed.