Florida Keys snorkeling locations

Little Bahia Honda Key is about a 1/4 mile off the beach. Quite a few people rent a kayak at the park and take it out there, but not many of them do it to get out there and snorkel. For as close to shore as it is, it's pretty pristine.
I saw your posts about snorkeling the keys. I go down there occasionally. I usually fly into key west and go up to big pine. I had no idea that there was so much to see so close. I'd like some pointers, if you don't mind, for the next time I'm down that way.

I was hoping to PM you, but my phone said you are not set up for that or it's something on my end.
I saw your posts about snorkeling the keys. I go down there occasionally. I usually fly into key west and go up to big pine. I had no idea that there was so much to see so close. I'd like some pointers, if you don't mind, for the next time I'm down that way.

I was hoping to PM you, but my phone said you are not set up for that or it's something on my end.

I've been on probation here for what seems like 2 years or more and they won't let me off. So no PM. Some people do get to me by email, I'm guessing it's in my personal info and I can't even see that myself.

That said, I'd be happy to help in any way I can here. And it's possible others may benefit from the discussion as well.

If you want to see big coral reefs, you need to take a boat out 5 miles. It's very cool if you haven't seen a big reef before (and even if you have). I still do it once every year or two.

But I have more fun looking for other things than huge coral colonies and big schools of tropical fish. I like to snorkel where I can handle rocks, corals, inverts and more. We (my wife and I) take a ton of photos every time we go out and I collect one or two things to take home to my aquarium. We live 4-5 hours from the Middle Keys and we transport them home in a 7 gallon cooler with a bubbler. It's rare that we ever lose an animal. But the real fun for us is just being so up close and personal so we can see things in more detail. At the big reefs, as a snorkeler, you are lucky if you can dive down 10', 15' or more and see things, but you can't touch because it is protected. Shallow, inshore rocky areas can be flush with stuff to see.

That's my outlook, so now you know where I'm coming from. So ask a question or 2 or 3 and I'll do my best to try and help. And BTW, there are others here that will help as well.

This is the beach at Bahia Honda State Park. There is plenty to see just out past the end of the sandy bottom. And at low tide you can get 300 yards or more off the beach and still be in water that is only 5' to 6' deep. The island off shore is Little Bahia Honda Key. Don't try to swim there, the tides really rip through the area 75% of the time. But you can rent a kayak at the park and paddle out there, beach the kayak and go snorkeling, then paddle back to shore.

You move slowly and keep a sharp look out. See the horse conch in the sand?

Well, it was having lunch.

Here are some zoas I collected. There were 2 of us and we took the max number of polyps allowed (5 per person per day) and grew them out in my frag tank at home.

This is at a little island about 75 yards from shore on the Florida Bay side of Marathon. We do swim over a deep channel, but the water around the island is 2' to 3' deep. You can tell it wasn't lobster season because they weren't afraid!
No wonder you didn't reply to my PM haha.
And yea you won't find any rock with that many lobster now, you'll be lucky to spot 1-2 under a rock. lol
No wonder you didn't reply to my PM haha.
And yea you won't find any rock with that many lobster now, you'll be lucky to spot 1-2 under a rock. lol

Yeah, I don't know what I have to do to get off probation. It's been almost 2 years. And I don't work for the company I was 'shilling' for when they put me on probation. I've asked a couple times but all I've ever gotten back was a "not yet" about 3 months ago.

Cool pics!

Thanks. My wife takes most of them. The Olympus TG-1 Tough camera works well as a snorkel camera. Good to 45 feet and has a bigger lens by 1 f-stop than the other brands of tough cameras. So it lets in more light and allows for faster shutter speeds.

Tunicates are cool, but I understand they are near impossible to keep in an aquarium.

Damsel fish are always willing to get right in your face when you get near their territory.

Some of these sponges get pretty big even in near the beach.

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Any dive shop. We buy most of our gear online except for the mask. That's a critical fit, IMHO, so I need to try on at least 4 or 5 before I pull the trigger and buy. But they last for years and years even with regular use. But fins, snorkel, gloves, dive skins (sun protection even in 80 degree water) and wet suits (thermal protection in cooler water) are all cheaper online.

If you aren't doing this regularly or are really on a budget, consider a long sleeve t-shirt and light weight pants (nylon wind breaker pants work pretty well). Even cheap gloves will work.

There is a Divers Direct shop on Key Largo and we do stop in there occasionally for odds and ends. It's a huge store and they have almost anything a snorkeler could want. Last time there my friend got a fish net that has black netting and a clear bottom which makes it easier to trick fish and shrimp into it. He also got a small Hawaiian sling spear for getting lionfish. BTW, the next day he collected 5 lionfish about 15' from the end of the 'Horseshoe' or Flagler's quarry pit on the Florida bayside of Spanish Harbor Key (one south of Bahia Honda).
Regarding the gear, if you stop by any local dive shop (not a big retail chain like diver's direct), if you buy a lot of different gear you can deal with them for a better price. That's what I did a couple years ago when I bought 2 pneumatic spearguns and 2 Hawaiian slings.
Don't get me wrong, diver's direct is a great place to shop, if you are new and want to see everything there is in the diving world ( when you get there it's like a playground with all the cool advanced gadgets they have).
I usually go there for specific hard to find items because I know they will have it guaranteed and I usually need it the day I go out so don't have time to look on the internet.
And before you go shopping for a mask (don't buy it online unless you have tried it on at a dive shop) look up fitting a snorkel mask (or dive mask) on google. There is a lot of info out there and getting a good fit is probably the most important thing to making snorkeling a pleasant experience. A leaky mask and a nose full of saltwater just isn't comfortable to most people.
So it looks like we'll be heading down around the 22nd of September and staying until the12th of October . I don't mind seeing a lot of storms but I'm hoping to miss any hurricanes. I honestly think it would be cool to be there during one but not while on vacation.

We are staying in Miami or somewhere close by for the first couple of nights. Any suggestions on pet friendly hotels for a fair price? I'd be willing to drive a couple hours for it.

Yea it's only cool when you throw a hurricane party lol.
For real you don't want it on vacation because they give mandatory evacuations for non-residents. But honestly our building code is very strict here and I feel a lot more safe down here than on the mainland lol
I hope it doesn't storm much for you because the past week it's been thunderstorms all day long. Which is very uncommon. Usually Florida weather is bipolar and one sec it's sunny then for 10 mins it'll rain cats and dogs, then it will get sunny again. But now it's just been non-stop.
Regarding hotels, where do you plan to stay? Miami or the keys? What do you want to see the most ?
In Miami or in the Keys?

We use Blackfin Resort in Marathon. It isn't a resort, it's kind of a mom & pop motel. It's fairly priced by Keys standards (not cheap but less than the Holiday Inn). We get an efficiency because there is a bit more room, in bad weather or if tired we can cook in the room and it's away from all the units that share a common hallway where some people party too late into the evening/night for us old timers! It's not fancy, but it's clean. It has a nice pool. It has an itsy bitsy super small sort of beach. There is an island 100 yards off shore that is worth snorkeling (we do it as a check our equipment and water temperature test when we arrive). And there are some cool things even in the rocks at the marina exit and around on the west side of the peninsula 'beach' like lobsters, crabs,feather dusters, sponges and tropical fish. We take bagels, fruit and coffee out to the beach and have breakfast in the morning. They have a nice table under a thatch roof and it seems nobody else does breakfast out there. We find it very peaceful. They have grills out there as well and some do cook dinner out there.

They have a boat ramp and a small marina if you want to keep your boat in the water. We take our boat to other ramps which makes the commute to snorkel locations by boat shorter. They have a scuba dive boat operator, Tilden, next door and their boats are in the same little marina. A restaurant, the Hurricane, is also next door and other amenities are close by. Bahia Honda State Park and the Horseshoe are just over the Seven Mile bridge from the motel.

So it isn't fancy at all, but we basically only sleep there, the rest of the time we are out in the water or seeing other sights.
In Miami or in the Keys?

We use Blackfin Resort in Marathon. It isn't a resort, it's kind of a mom & pop motel. It's fairly priced by Keys standards (not cheap but less than the Holiday Inn). We get an efficiency because there is a bit more room, in bad weather or if tired we can cook in the room and it's away from all the units that share a common hallway where some people party too late into the evening/night for us old timers! It's not fancy, but it's clean. It has a nice pool. It has an itsy bitsy super small sort of beach. There is an island 100 yards off shore that is worth snorkeling (we do it as a check our equipment and water temperature test when we arrive). And there are some cool things even in the rocks at the marina exit and around on the west side of the peninsula 'beach' like lobsters, crabs,feather dusters, sponges and tropical fish. We take bagels, fruit and coffee out to the beach and have breakfast in the morning. They have a nice table under a thatch roof and it seems nobody else does breakfast out there. We find it very peaceful. They have grills out there as well and some do cook dinner out there.

They have a boat ramp and a small marina if you want to keep your boat in the water. We take our boat to other ramps which makes the commute to snorkel locations by boat shorter. They have a scuba dive boat operator, Tilden, next door and their boats are in the same little marina. A restaurant, the Hurricane, is also next door and other amenities are close by. Bahia Honda State Park and the Horseshoe are just over the Seven Mile bridge from the motel.

So it isn't fancy at all, but we basically only sleep there, the rest of the time we are out in the water or seeing other sights.

Lol Ron, same thing I was thinking, a mom and pop motel.
I was going to say if he wanted to stay in the keys try finding a small vacation rental (most allow pets).
Thing with Miami is that if you want to be in a nice area you will pay a hefty price and don't think there are many pet friendly places, plus you are far from the keys and key west will be a less of an option for you to visit. I think marathon or even Islamorada is a good place because it's in the middle. Not far from Mainland to see different things for a day and lots of fishing/snorkeling/diving nearby.
Others in Marathon that we have used and I would consider as acceptable alternatives are Kingsail and Sea Dell. Again, not fancy, but clean mom & pop type motels and all within a mile or two of each other on Marathon. We just like the off shore island, the boat ramp and the 'sorta' beach at Blackfin.
We ended up booking with Bayview inn and marina for 2 weeks. The last time we stayed at rainbow bend but thought we should try some place different this time. We were going to stay closer to Miami for a couple of days but with it being roughly a 2 hour drive from where we'll be staying I decided I'd rather do drive a couple of hours and stay where we'll be happiest.
We ended up booking with Bayview inn and marina for 2 weeks. The last time we stayed at rainbow bend but thought we should try some place different this time. We were going to stay closer to Miami for a couple of days but with it being roughly a 2 hour drive from where we'll be staying I decided I'd rather do drive a couple of hours and stay where we'll be happiest.

Very nice, that's right by Long Key State Park. They have nice beaches there too.
Looks like a nice motel. We've never stayed there so it would be great to get a review from you after you stay there.

Any 'I absolutely have too do items' on your list for your vacation?

If you get a day of bad weather, hey it happens almost everywhere, consider the History of Diving Museum. It's back up the road a ways, but we've been there twice and it was very interesting. The diving helmet exhibit was awesome! An incredible array of helmets and with the push of a button there is a great 15 minute lecture that spotlights groups and specific helmets to explain the history. If I remember correctly the curator told us the helmets in the display were worth several million dollars!
We just decided to do another Keys snorkel trip during the first week of November. Exact dates aren't set yet, but vacation time with the wife's employer has been locked in. I'm guessing a day to drive down and do a 'test' snorkel. At least 2, maybe 3 snorkel days and then a day to drive home.

Probably looking at the Middle Keys again. Would like to do Money Key and Molasses Key (both are oceanside of the Seven Mile Bridge toward the SW end. I'd like to do Pigeon Key as well, but that may be asking a lot of my wife's nerves. She loves to snorkel, but she isn't a fan of getting too far from shore in an inflatable boat! Haha!
She loves to snorkel, but she isn't a fan of getting too far from shore in an inflatable boat! Haha!

:lolspin: I don't blame her.. :wildone:

Went out on the boat after work on a Monday. Would've filmed underwater but it was already sunset and too dark. Enjoy the view at least :)


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