<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14896576#post14896576 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jnb
OK. OK. Here's a few crappy pics from my 5 year old digital camera. I'll try to get my buddy Tom over to take some good pics in the next few weeks.
Full Tank Shot:
A Top-Down look with the pumps turned off. The orange monti cap on the left hand side is from a frag I got from jnb. The brain on the bottom has a bit of sand on it right now since I just got finished blowing off sediment from the rocks with a powerhead:
From bottom up, a greenish yellow monti cap with blue polyps from Rogger, an orange branching monti from RNegret, a piece of orange monti cap from RNegret, and a purple acro from Rogger:
This pic shows the same branching orange monti and purple acro from above, plus two additional monti caps (green and purple) both from RNegret, and a green acro (green slimer maybe?) from Rogger and another purple tipped acro in the very front also from Rogger:
This pic shows the same corals from above, plus in the left rear corner is a piece of Rogger's large blue-tipped stag from his last tank which has turned brown in my tank from one of the lights out periods. It has not yet regained any of its color. Also in the right front corner is a piece of a dark metallic green encrusting SPS I also received from Rogger:
Here's a pic of a pair of yellowish green acro frags I got from Rogger. He told me to mount them sticking out sideways, and they do love growing this way:
Here's a pic of a fluorescent green polyped toadstool leather I got from RNegret. The white mark is a large grain of sand which landed on it while I was blowing off the rocks in the tank: