Flow for a 96"x36"x24" SPS Reef Tank


I'm getting real close to starting up my new 96"x36"x24" SPS reef tank and I want to make sure that I'm going with the right equipment.

What equipment do you recommend for sufficient flow for my SPS tank?

I've read several suggestions... I'm leaning towards option 2 or 3.
1. Two 6255, one on each side on the back wall
2. Four 6255, all along the back wall
3. Two 6255 and two 6105, all along the back wall
4. Four 6105, all along the back wall
Barebottom? How would they be angled if placed on the black wall? If it will be mostly sps, I would definitely go with 4 6255's. I would do either two on each side pointed across the 8' length, or two on the back wall and one on each side.
I lean to option 4 myself but only because the 6255 is so high maintenance. They need cleaning every couple months vs generally 4-6 for the 6105's. The 6255 runs hotter due to a bigger motor and the internal surfaces are very smooth as they are reinforced with PU resin and I believe the turbulence created in the other models acts to somewhat "self clean" the pumps. The 6255's are fine, they are very strong, but I personally wouldn't want to clean pumps every 1-3 months when I could clean them every 4-6 and get reasonable results with the 6105's. The tank isn't so big that the 6255's are a necessity.
I personally have 3 6105's with wide flow housings, and 1 6155 in my 72" x 36" x 27" 300g and I have a lot of dead spots.
How are they positioned? If they were on either end I would use the narrow flow housings and if they were on the back wall, the wide flow housings. Dead spots would be possible, but a wavebox in addition would solve that and still cost less.
How are they positioned? If they were on either end I would use the narrow flow housings and if they were on the back wall, the wide flow housings. Dead spots would be possible, but a wavebox in addition would solve that and still cost less.

I'll pm you later today or tomorrow so as to not hijack his thread.