flow question!


New member
on my 75 gal SPS tank i have

3-MJ 1200
1-MJ 900
3-MJ 400
Mag 5 return
anyone have any suggestions for more flow other then buying seios or Tunzes?

what is the best GPH for a SPS tank?
you could cut the nozzles on the mj's, thus making the ouput greater as well as a wider discharge. find some way to turn it on/off regularly or randomly (timer, controller such as aquacontroller jr., reefkeeper...) each time the pump cycles back on it will likely be pushing water in the other direction. a great way to introduce some chaotic yet changing water flow.

but if you have the money, get a controllable tunze 6000. you can wait on the controller, and i really would get a multicontroller, more capabilites