Flow rate through fuge for macro?

Thanks Taco,
Just built it this weekend after seeing a few in local stores. I saw some great tanks with the fuge in the middle and the tank were rockin. Did you start your up with live sand? If so, did you have to do any cycle in the sump before setting into your main system? Thanks

I put a 20lb. bag of "live" (wet) sand in there with several pounds of live rock rubble (Florida cultured from the bottom of LFS's rock tank) and a 10lb. pice of live rock (tonga) from another system I have. I did not cycle it alone, I just let 'er rip. Originally, the caulerpa was growing on the large pice of rock.

My next sump (for another tank) will be home made. I wanted this one to be pretty.

I would be interested in seeing pictures of your sump.

I'll bet you can get some cool macro's and grasses down in sunny Florida.
Ill send some off as soon as I take em. It was actually pretty simple. But the fuge area is only around 9" long. It was a 24" tank I used (with five baffles) and wanted to leave enough space in the return section to avoid rediculous evap. rate. Still, I think its going to work out. Yours in your gallery looks like its doing great. How much wattage on the fuge light?
Thanks. I am using an 18w PC on 24/7. I am not blown away by the growth rate of the chaeto.

I would like to get some of the red grape macro that is not caulerpa, as seen in Reef Invertabrates by calfo/ Fenner.

A lfs had some the other day, but they wanted $40 for a small amount (like one 6" section). What a rip off!