Fluconazole Results


New member
I tried fluconazole in my 280 gallon system (yup, all 28 capsules) to address GHA, which was persisting even after Phosphate and Nitrates were brought under control. Did the regular protocol, and now have done two 35% water changes and running carbon for a week to clear out. For what it is worth, I did all of this during a 72-day fish fallow period (fish were just reintroduced this weekend).

Results are as follows:

(1) GHA is gone. Took a few weeks, then it turned brown/black and disintegrated.
(2) Unfortunately, dinoflagellates have replaced the GHA and I've got green goo and air bubbles roughly everywhere the GHA used to be.
(3) Monti, maze, birds nest and candy cane corals were all wiped out (nothing but white skeleton). Very similar to RTN, just sloughed away during second week of treatment. They are not even near each other.
(4) Several LPS are unhappy, but not yet dead. Hammer holding on. Pipe organ doing great.
(5) Most of my urchins dropped spines and died. Other inverts (crabs and shrimp) are fine.
(6) Fish (reintroduced over weekend) seem happy to be back home, all good.

Current parameters: pH: 8.15, KH: 8.6, Nitrates: 0, Phosphate: 0.03, SG: 1.024, Temp: 79 degrees.

Any thoughts on what happened? Reintroduction of fish will bring up the nitrates, I know, but I have a sneaking suspicion that the fluconazole was somehow to blame for stressing the coral, not low nitrates or absence of fish.
Following. I'm into my second week of treatment, Bryopsis though. Kicked its tail after the first week. GHA and dinos took its place.

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I didn't have any problems with it, two weeks and my bryopsis was gone and everything looked great. Some cyano after but it didn't last long.

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If you have had GHA in sufficient quantities to treat, this may indicate unstable water parameters which corals hate especially the SPS. Fluconazloe may have simply increased instability, many have used with success in the past.
I just finished a round myself..(entire 100G treatment bottle in an 80G tank)
All corals (softies/LPS/SPS) are totally fine and uneffected..
Urchin totally fine..
Cucumbers/snails/crabs/fish all totally fine..
No dinos or cyano
GHA totally gone..
I just ran a double the dosage Reef Flux treatment.

Completely got rid of the algae
I noticed no other side effects

Been about a month now since my treatment and everything still seems happy and no signs of algae
Thanks for all comments! Then it must be something other than (or in addition to) the fluconazole. Nitrates are zero, which I know is not ideal for coral health, but is not ordinarily deadly. Any other thoughts on water parameters other than those I've listed that might be an issue? Perhaps I just need to slowly permit the shock of the fluconazole treatment and fish absence to run its course?
Same here. Great results. Did one treatment then a week later did another. My tank is packed and had no loses. LPS and softie 80 gallon.
Are you sure they are dinos? And which kind? Green goo with bubbles sounds more like cynao to me.

What were your nitrates/phosphates at before?
I just finished a round myself..(entire 100G treatment bottle in an 80G tank)
All corals (softies/LPS/SPS) are totally fine and uneffected..
Urchin totally fine..
Cucumbers/snails/crabs/fish all totally fine..
No dinos or cyano
GHA totally gone..

So you had success w/ flukanazole? I'm tempted to give it a try to battle my GHA.. Its slowly starting to accumulate even with my gfo running.. the phosphates dropped from .25 to .01 ish which my zoas liked and is starting to sprout again but still GHA present